Los Angeles Times

Moodiness wears thin in ‘Darling’

- — Robert Abele

The warning at the beginning of “Darling” alerts us to “flashing lights and hallucinat­ory images,” but the movie that follows from indie-horror writer-director Mickey Keating — though stylish in its black-and-white chilliness — is more likely to dull by repetitive creep than memorably rattle the senses.

An opening montage of monochrome Manhattan cityscapes creates a keen sense of foreboding as “Darling” sets up its simple but timeless tale: the young woman (Lauren Ashley Carter) versus the old, portentous­ly empty house. Hired as a caretaker, our prim-looking innocent is blithely informed by her well-to-do employer (Sean Young) that the last woman in the job jumped to her death from a balcony. Once she is left alone, that spot naturally beckons, as does the locked door at the end of a slim hallway with bare white walls.

Keating hews closely to the slowly deteriorat­ing mental state of our protagonis­t (called Darling by her boss). She wanders around as if trying out for ghost status and lies in bed like a corpse in a casket. .

The filmmaker is less interested in surprising us than working an old-fashioned, classicall­y atmospheri­c dread — cue the faint piano strains, whispery voices and relentless­ly ticking clock — broken up by the expected trendy bloodletti­ng.

Carter, an arresting presence with her hair in a dour flip and eyes you think can’t get bigger yet do, gamely steers the breakdown. (She’s especially good at suggesting roiling undercurre­nts.) But her role is more game piece than flesh-and-blood character. By the umpteenth disruptive shock-cut and patiently framed shot of Carter staring us down, “Darling” has worn out its welcome even as a mood piece. “Darling.” Not rated. Running time: 1 hour, 15 minutes. Playing: Arena Cinema Hollywood.

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