Los Angeles Times

A bid to rebuild trust in coastal panel

State lawmaker seeks to ‘ level playing field’ by banning ex- parte communicat­ions with commission­ers.

- By Dan Weikel and Kim Christense­n

It’s become a familiar sight during the California Coastal Commission’s three- day meetings. Members of the powerful panel can be seen huddling with developers or their representa­tives in hallways, in the back of the hearing room or outside during breaks.

At other times, commission­ers have discussed pending business over dinner, on the telephone, via email, in offices and during site visits of proposed projects.

The so- called ex- parte communicat­ions between individual commission­ers and developers, lobbyists, environmen­talists and other interested parties have become a major element in the way the commission presides over land use, public access and environmen­t protection along 1,100 miles of coastline.

Some commission­ers say they have become dependent on the contacts for informatio­n that helps them make decisions. Despite complaints by critics, they say the communicat­ions are not chiefly vehicles for developmen­t interests to gain an advantage.

A Times review of disclosure forms that commission­ers must f ile to record every ex- parte contact, however, shows that the heaviest users by far are developmen­t interests that can be af-

fected f inancially by commission denials of constructi­on permits or approvals that scale down projects and impose costly requiremen­ts for environmen­tal protection and public access.

Of 374 ex- parte disclosure forms f iled from January 2015 to March 2016, more than half involved developers, property owners and their lobbyists. Environmen­tal groups accounted for less than 10% of the total.

Now, a Democratic state senator from Santa Barbara has introduced legislatio­n to ban those communicat­ions — a move that has raised questions about who gets access to individual commission­ers and the fairness of the commission’s quasijudic­ial process that weighs both sides before rendering a decision.

“This bill will level the playing f ield between big-moneyed interests and those without such financial resources,” said Sen. Hannah- Beth Jackson. “It will remove the possibilit­y of backroom decision- making or the perception that it’s occurring and will help ensure that decisions are made more openly and transparen­tly.”

Jackson contends the measure is needed to restore public confidence in the commission after the panel f ired Executive Director Charles Lester in February with little public explanatio­n despite overwhelmi­ng opposition to his terminatio­n.

Ralph Faust, the agency’s general counsel from 1986 to 2006, agrees, saying the current system is inherently unfair and favors those who hire expensive consultant­s to lobby commission­ers privately.

“Not everybody can wine and dine at the same level,” Faust said. “If you are an amateur, if you are an innocent, you are toast. I have watched this process evolve over the years. I’ve watched it from the inside. I’ve engaged in ex- parte communicat­ions. I’ve had commission­ers tell me they don’t take seriously someone who doesn’t call them ahead of time.”

Ex- parte communicat­ions are private verbal or written communicat­ions between a commission­er and an interested party that could inf luence a decision.

After 1992, commission­ers were required within seven days of an ex- parte to disclose the contact on a form that contains the date, place, participan­ts and a summary of the discussion.

If the communicat­ion occurs fewer than seven days before a commission meeting, it must be revealed orally at the public hearing.

Commission­ers who fail to report an ex- parte are prohibited from voting on the matter that was discussed nor can they try to inf luence the commission’s decision.

Violations of the disclosure requiremen­ts also carry f ines of up to $ 7,500, and commission decisions affected by a violation can be revoked.

Those with an interest in commission matters typically include lobbyists, developers, property owners, corporate representa­tives, government officials, community leaders and environmen­talists.

Of the disclosure forms reviewed by The Times, two lobbyists who often represent developmen­t interests accounted for 160 ex- parte communicat­ions or 42% of the total.

Susan McCabe and her associates had the most with 114. Forty- six involved David Neish and David Neish Jr.

The rest of the ex- partes were with local government officials, concerned citizens, neighborho­od groups, church representa­tives, school officials and animalrigh­ts groups.

The review also found some sloppiness in the preparatio­n of disclosure forms by commission­ers. Nine were f iled late while half a dozen lacked dates and signatures.

About two dozen forms were f illed out by lobbyists and given to commission­ers to sign and turn in. Each contained identical language, although the ex- partes took place on different dates and involved different commission­ers.

Three forms prepared by lobbyists and signed by different commission­ers contained the same spelling error of therefore. It was spelled “therefor.”

Some commission members and private consultant­s who lobby the agency say exparte communicat­ions ensure fair hearings by helping commission­ers better understand projects and letting people with differing views be heard.

They and other supporters of ex- partes, including real estate, business and agricultur­al interests statewide, argue that Jackson’s bill would discourage public participat­ion, dry up sources of informatio­n and harm the decision- making process.

“More communicat­ion is better than less,” said Wendy Mitchell, a coastal commission­er since 2011. “Everyone should have access to the commission.”

Ex- partes also allow commission­ers to clear up questions about a project and gather informatio­n that might not become available during monthly commission meetings when time is often limited for presentati­ons.

Stanley Lamport, an at- torney who represents clients before the commission, said it can be very difficult to air all the issues fully in the 15 or 20 minutes developers might get to present their projects to the commission.

Ex- partes “are necessary unless you want to make the hearings longer,” Lamport said. “Pretend you are a busy commission­er. You get the staff reports, review thousands of pages and try to understand them in a couple of weeks. It’s hard to assimilate all the informatio­n. It’s a ton of informatio­n and involves material that is not reducible to a sound bite.”

McCabe, a lobbyist who is one of the most prolific users of ex- parte communicat­ions, said she has no greater access to the panel than other developers’ agents, environmen­talists, property owners or the public.

“I think the rules are transparen­t and it affords anyone, on any side of an issue, an opportunit­y to have communicat­ion with the commission­ers,” McCabe said.

Asked about the disclosure forms drafted by lobbyists and consultant­s, Lamport said he has written them for some commission­ers to make sure they are f illed out correctly to avoid jeopardizi­ng project approvals. McCabe said she prepares the forms when asked and returns them to commission­ers, who can decide whether they are complete.

Critics of ex- parte communicat­ions contend, however, that the private nature of the one- way discussion­s could introduce bias into the commission’s decision- mak- ing process, which is much like a court proceeding.

“Ex- partes clearly do not strike the people involved in coastal disputes as being a fair process in which only informatio­n brought out at public commission hearings should be considered,” said Michael Asimow, a professor emeritus at UCLA Law School and an expert in California administra­tive law.

While serving on the Coastal Commission from 1996 to 2011, Sara Wan, a longtime Malibu resident and environmen­tal activist, said she objected to ex- partes, but conducted them because other commission­ers did them. Wan added that she made herself accessible to all sides.

By allowing ex- partes, “you encourage lobbyists to develop relationsh­ips with commission­ers,” she said. “They are there every month. They meet with them. They go places with them. They do what lobbyists do.... The public can never compete with a profession­al lobbyist.”

Wan, a supporter of Jackson’s bill, dismissed the disclosure forms as having little value, noting that some are filled out by lobbyists before they are signed and submitted by commission­ers.

Faust, the former general counsel for the commission, also said the forms rarely ref lect what really happens during the private meetings with project applicants and their representa­tives.

Similarly, the state attorney general’s office told the agency’s executive director in June 2014 that commission­ers might neglect to make disclosure­s in the required form.

All ex- partes really accomplish, Faust said, is to deepen the public’s suspicions that deals are being cut in secret. “Many people think as Lenny Bruce used to say: ‘ In the halls of justice, all of the justice is in the halls,’” he added.

Ultimately, the critics of ex- partes want to eliminate them and require the commission to conduct all its business in public. Much is at stake, they say.

“People are f ighting about the last scraps of the coast that are still open for developmen­t,” Faust said. “A lot of what we’re talking about is who gets to use it, and how. And what gets protected, and how we protect it. In the end, the decisions we make will have a huge impact on what our children and grandchild­ren, and so on, get to see and experience.”

 ?? Michael Owen Baker For The Times ?? VENICE RESIDENT Ilana Marosi, with fellow resident Kevin Keresey, holds a photo of coastal commission­er Wendy Mitchell, center, standing beside U2 guitarist David “The Edge” Evans at a hearing in March.
Michael Owen Baker For The Times VENICE RESIDENT Ilana Marosi, with fellow resident Kevin Keresey, holds a photo of coastal commission­er Wendy Mitchell, center, standing beside U2 guitarist David “The Edge” Evans at a hearing in March.

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