Los Angeles Times

Jewish outpost is back on brink of showdown

At an illegal West Bank enclave authoritie­s razed a decade ago, settlers vow to defy an order to leave

- By Joshua Mitnick Mitnick is a special correspond­ent.

AMONA, West Bank — This Jewish outpost, built illegally on Palestinia­n land, became a potent symbol of the resolve of West Bank settlers in 2006 after a centerleft Israeli government sent bulldozers to demolish nine houses and religious activists tried to block them.

Riot police won that battle, but only after teenagers clinging to the empty houses were pried away.

Eyal Vidal and his wife moved to Amona two years later and into a mobile home not far from the rubble where the old structures once stood. Others have followed.

“We see value to settling the country and boosting settlement­s,” Vidal, 33, said from his wooden porch with a view of the Palestinia­n villages in the distance. “We wanted to be part of that.”

Now the settlers of Amona are bracing for a new showdown, this time vowing to defy a court-ordered deadline of Dec. 25 to evacuate.

The settlers present a dilemma for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, which gets much of its political strength from their support but is now faced with the prospect of having to forcibly expel them. Desperate to avoid a repeat of 2006, it is searching for a legal fix that would allow them to stay.

Roughly 10,000 Jewish settlers live in similar outposts, hilltop communitie­s of mobile homes that were hastily erected next to older West Bank settlement­s in the 1990s.

At the time, the government was engaged in peace talks with the Palestinia­ns and, at least officially, not authorizin­g the formation of new settlement­s. But with the help of government bureaucrat­s and the support of right-wing politician­s, settlers were encouraged to occupy the hilltops.

The fate of Amona, the largest of the outposts, could set a precedent for the other communitie­s where Palestinia­ns make property claims.

“Amona is becoming a defining moment for Israel’s moral and legal approach to settlement­s,” said Michael Sfard, a lawyer for Yesh Din, an Israeli nonprofit group that along with Palestinia­n landowners has petitioned the Supreme Court to disband Amona. “It will tell a lot about the character of the occupation regime.”

In 2003, the government promised the U.S. it would evacuate several dozen outposts, and in 2005 an inquiry commission­ed by the prime minister deemed them illegal. But most were never disbanded, and the settlers continue to enjoy protection by the army and government-sanctioned infrastruc­ture such as electricit­y and telephone lines.

In 2012, a committee appointed by Netanyahu’s government recommende­d legalizing the settlement­s. More recently, the government has been trying retroactiv­ely to do just that, despite court petitions by human rights groups and Palestinia­ns who claim the outposts are built on private property.

Internatio­nal diplomats have warned that legalizing the outposts could render the creation of a Palestinia­n state impossible and that the push to do so calls into question Israel’s commitment to a negotiated settlement with the Palestinia­ns.

Legalizati­on is “fundamenta­lly underminin­g prospects for a two-state solution,” John Kirby, a spokesman for the U.S. State Department, said in July.

Nickolay Mladenov, the United Nations’ special coordinato­r for the Middle East peace process, told the Security Council that preserving the outposts “appears to reinforce a policy, carried out over decades, that has enabled over half a million Israelis to settle in territory that was occupied militarily” during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

Amona residents have mounted a public campaign to remain. The outpost’s Facebook page calls on Israelis to stop “a second disengagem­ent,” a reference to the evacuation of Gaza Strip settlement­s that occurred in 2005. Settlers have been putting up posters warning of “horban,’’ a Hebrew term that invokes the destructio­n of the ancient Jewish temples in Jerusalem.

Government ministers and legislator­s have been visiting the outpost to express solidarity with the settlers and reassure them that there would be no forceful evacuation­s. Last month pro-settler demonstrat­ors gathered outside the prime minister’s office to call for a solution.

“The baggage associated with 2006 implies that if the government decides to do something unacceptab­le to the settlers, there will be big clashes,” said Ofer Zalzberg, an Israel analyst at the Internatio­nal Crisis Group.

The government considered legislatio­n to legalize Amona and offer Palestinia­n landowners financial compensati­on, but it dropped the bill over concerns about diplomatic fallout and legal challenges. Some Cabinet ministers are still advocating for it.

In August, the Justice Ministry considered moving Amona residents to nearby plots whose Palestinia­n owners don’t reside in the West Bank. Critics say such a move would break with the Israeli policy not to build on lands of absentees.

Two miles east of Amona, in the Palestinia­n village of Ein Yabrud, Ibrahim Yakoub recalled harvesting tomatoes, chickpeas and wheat where the settlers’ mobile homes now stand. An engineer who petitioned Israel’s Supreme Court against Amona, he said he hasn’t been able to reach his land in 18 years.

“All of my land is in their hands,” he said. Despite the court ruling, he said, “they have given us nothing. But they make excuses.”

Vidal said that if the government decides to evacuate Amona, the settlers will resist.

“We won’t go on our own initiative,” he said. “We will want them to have to come here and take us out.”

The future of the outpost is a test case for the government, he said: “If they destroy Amona, it will create an appetite to destroy other settlement­s.”

 ?? Menahem Kahana AFP/Getty Images ?? THE ISRAELI government has given settlers in Amona a Dec. 25 deadline to leave. The prospect of forcibly removing them presents a dilemma for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who relies on their support.
Menahem Kahana AFP/Getty Images THE ISRAELI government has given settlers in Amona a Dec. 25 deadline to leave. The prospect of forcibly removing them presents a dilemma for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who relies on their support.

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