Los Angeles Times

The Supreme Court’s docket is pretty sleepy — and that’s good

Thanks to the vacancy, the justices are avoiding hot-button issues.

- By Mike Sacks Mike Sacks, a former Supreme Court and congressio­nal reporter, is the national political correspond­ent for E.W. Scripps and host of “The Race,” a campaign news show.

“Would scores of people camp out on the Supreme Court sidewalk to see that argument?”

That’s the question that separates sleepy SCOTUS terms from the seismic ones. And this new term’s docket, so far, is a snoozer. Yet I come to celebrate, not condemn, this developmen­t.

Granted, as a lawyer, journalist and court junkie, I love a good proof of the Tocquevill­ian theorem — “Scarcely any political question arises in the United States that is not resolved, sooner or later, into a judicial question” — and the last decade of Supreme Court under Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. was rife with proof.

Abortion. Affirmativ­e action. Voting rights. Religious rights. Gun rights. Gay rights. Guantanamo Bay. Campaign finance. Capital punishment. Obamacare. Obamacare. Obamacare. Obamacare.

Most, but not all, of these blockbuste­rs were decided by a 5-4 vote.

And this term? Copyright. Patent. Bank fraud. False claims. Bankruptcy. Antitrust. Sentencing. Double jeopardy. Ineffectiv­e counsel. Insider trading. Unreasonab­le seizure. Trademark.

OK, the justices also are hearing cases about racial bias on juries and in housing, as well as one from an intellectu­ally disabled man who wants to know whether Texas can keep him on death row.

Yet none of these cases are likely to split the Court down ideologica­l lines, establish new rights or reverse precedents. So go back to the top and ask yourself the question. Your answer? That’s what I thought.

The drama went off the docket this year for two reasons.

First: Not every term will be the term of the century. The court went bonkers with the blockbuste­rs over the past few years because that’s when those cases came to fruition, and few now are ripe for a similar feast. Second: the deadlock. The Senate Republican­s’ vow not to fill the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s vacant seat until after the next president takes office means the eight remaining justices are wary of taking any case that will divide them evenly.

That’s particular­ly true of high-profile and politicall­y charged cases where the four Democratic appointees will oppose their four Republican-appointed colleagues. For example: The justices still haven’t scheduled oral arguments in a divisive church-state case they granted before Scalia’s death.

While the court last term managed to salvage narrow unanimity in a contracept­ive mandate case that equally divided the justices by party line at oral argument, the eight members were not so successful in four other cases, including the 4-4 deadlock that left in place a lower court’s decision to block President Obama’s executive actions on immigratio­n.

The justices don’t wish to repeat those experience­s. After all, deadlocks, which yield no ruling at all, defeat the purpose of why the court takes most cases: to resolve difference­s among the appeals courts on particular points of law.

Rather than waste their time with futilely acrimoniou­s arguments in open court and in private conference that will lead, at best, to unsatisfyi­ng compromise­s, the justices have shaped a docket heavy on the kinds of technical issues with little political valence that each year result in the court’s many unanimous or near-unanimous decisions.

That’s a good thing for the rest of us.

From the Gilded Age through the civil rights era and up through Justice Scalia’s death, we’ve placed our faith in a majority of nine unelected jurists to save us when the political process doesn’t or can’t deliver the results we want. But the habit risks blinding us to new political moments when rights may actually be won and defended at the ballot box instead.

Just look at the 2013 conservati­ve victory taking down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act on states’ rights grounds, or the near-miss in 2012 to kill Obamacare in its cradle as a commerce clause violation. These cases wound up in the Supreme Court because Republican­s figured it was more efficaciou­s to nudge a majority of justices in the “right” direction than a majority of lawmakers. By choosing a judicial strategy, they lost the opportunit­y to truly win hearts and minds and — in time — secure the vindicatio­n of popular validation.

But if the judicial route seems off-limits — because the court shuns controvers­y — then ideologues and activists, indeed all of us, have to make do with democracy. Only months after the justices’ 4-4 deadlock in a challenge to North Carolina’s voting law, Democrats — particular­ly African American Democrats — in the Tarheel State this November may well boot from office the Republican governor who signed a law meant to dilute their very ability to do so.

Now, the truth is that this mercifully quiet moment will not last. With complete jurisprude­ntial domination for a generation to come at stake this presidenti­al election, the Democrats’ mantra of “We Need Nine,” echoed by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is not some battle cry of neutral institutio­nalists; it’s a lip-licking for a restoratio­n of the Warren Court’s liberal revolution. And the stonewalli­ng Republican­s certainly will not desist from completing the counterrev­olution they’ve pursued through 40plus years of conservati­ve-turned-liberal appointees, wobbly swing voters and the untimely death of an icon.

Sooner or later, there will be nine. Our presidenti­al candidates are running on it. And Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton not only may get to choose someone to fill Scalia’s seat, but also that of Justices Ginsburg, 83, Anthony M. Kennedy, 80, or Stephen Breyer, 78. We may then see an ideologica­l supermajor­ity that decides — once and for all — the blockbuste­r issues that for a generation have had us camping out on the Supreme Court sidewalk.

As that horror or heaven awaits us, can’t we all enjoy this brief, sleepy interlude? Can’t we use it to dream of an alternate reality in which the Supreme Court concerns itself with the finer points of Intellectu­al Property and Bankruptcy law and leaves our thorniest political questions to the better angels of “We the people”?

 ??  ?? Win McNamee Getty Images THE SUPREME COURT will be back in session Monday.
Win McNamee Getty Images THE SUPREME COURT will be back in session Monday.

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