Los Angeles Times

Russia’s pause in Syria seen as olive branch to U.S.

The halt in airstrikes is a bid to ease tension with Washington, analysts say.

- By Mansur Mirovalev Mirovalev is a special correspond­ent. Times staff writer Molly HennessyFi­ske in Irbil, Iraq, contribute­d to this report.

MOSCOW — Russia suspended airstrikes on the rebel-controlled parts of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo on Tuesday, in what some analysts saw as an effort by the Kremlin to break out of internatio­nal isolation and end a deepening diplomatic spat with Washington.

After weeks of air raids on east Aleppo, “Russia’s ties to the West have suffered an irreparabl­e loss,” Alexander Golts, a Moscow-based defense analyst, said. “They call Putin the ‘butcher of Aleppo,’ ” he said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This month, the United States suspended talks with Russia over the Syrian war and said Moscow was committing war crimes by engaging in indiscrimi­nate bombing of civilians in Aleppo. That suspension came on the heels of what the West and Russia had seen as a breakthrou­gh over Syria that could have led to a full-time military cooperatio­n and a renewed diplomatic effort to end the five-year conflict.

The halt in airstirkes “is an attempt to somehow lower the pressure on Russia,” political analyst Sergei Strokan said. “This is an attempt to lower the degree of political tensions around Aleppo and soften the political blow on Russia’s image” since the massive bombing campaign started in midSeptemb­er.

The suspension is to be followed by a “humanitari­an pause” Thursday that will allow militants and civilians to leave, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said.

“Everyone really interested in the soonest stabilizat­ion of the situation in the city of Aleppo should take some real practical steps instead of political procrastin­ation,” Shoigu said in televised remarks.

His announceme­nt followed an earlier plan by Staffan de Mistura, the United Nations envoy for the Syrian conflict, that envisaged a suspension of bomb strikes if jihadis and other forces opposed to President Bashar Assad agree to leave east Aleppo.

Russia and Iran have backed Assad’s government throughout the civil war that broke out in 2011. The war has killed hundreds of thousands and displaced half of Syria’s population. Moscow’s airstrikes, which began in September 2015, are widely viewed to have saved Assad’s government from collapse and helped his troops regain some strategic areas.

Russia claimed that its airstrikes targeted Islamic State militants, while the West accused Russian and Syrian air forces of bombing civilian areas and infrastruc­ture, hospitals and humanitari­an convoys.

Russian officials reject the accusation­s and say that the U.S. failed to distinguis­h between moderate opposition groups and radical Islamists and even sided with the radicals for the sake of toppling Assad.

Former Russian lawmaker and pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov accused the West of hypocrisy for focusing on the humanitari­an situation in Aleppo. “This is just a propaganda informatio­n campaign to support jihadists in Aleppo, where pro-American jihadists forged an alliance with Al Qaeda,” he said.

Russia has used some of its most advanced and lethal weapons in Syria, such as bunker-busting and cluster bombs, as well as incendiary munitions, internatio­nal and opposition groups said.

About 275,000 civilians are trapped in the city, many of them children.

Reached by phone in east Aleppo, two Syrian civil defense workers with the volunteer group White Helmets expressed more skepticism than relief over the pause.

One of them, Amar Salmo, said he could still hear warplanes overhead Tuesday.

“Civil defense ... is still working, trying to get more than 20 bodies from under the rubble in many neighborho­ods because of the raids yesterday and before yesterday massive raids,” he said. “Neighborho­ods have been erased completely. Now as I talk to you, the aircrafts are in the sky.”

Another worker said he does not trust the Syrian and Russian forces to stop bombarding the area. “In a few days, they will bomb us, bomb everything and kill everything like yesterday,” Ismail Abdullah said.

In early October, Putin exacerbate­d the rift over Syria by suspending a key post-Cold War agreement with Washington over disposal of nuclear weapons, accusing the U.S. of failing to eliminate tons of weaponsgra­de plutonium and “unfriendly acts toward Russia.”

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