Los Angeles Times

Why Big Pharma fears Prop. 61

Re “How to send a strong message to Big Pharma,” Opinion, Oct. 21

- Herbert Weinberg Felice Urban Westlake Village

The op-ed article by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in support of Propositio­n 61 is laudable, but there is no assurance that its passage will bring Big Pharma to the negotiatin­g table.

Sanders writes, ”It’s unacceptab­le that the exact drugs that we buy in our country are sold in Canada, Britain and other countries for a fraction of the price.” You might ask why U.S. pharmaceut­ical wholesaler­s don’t simply buy their drugs from Canada.

The reason is that the Prescripti­on Drug Marketing Act (PDMA), signed into law by President Reagan in 1988, prohibits the reimportat­ion of U.S.made drugs once they have been shipped to a foreign country. Even more outrageous, the law signed by President George W. Bush creating Medicare Part D prohibits the federal government, Big Pharma’s largest customer, from negotiatin­g the prices it pays for drugs.

The reason that Big Pharma is pouring so much money and effort into defeating Propositio­n 61 is that its passage may just open the door to inquiry into the PDMA and the Medicare Part D law.

Los Angeles The writer, a licensed pharmacist, is an attorney specializi­ng in healthcare law.


Sanders and other backers of Propositio­n 61 focus on reining in the costs of prescripti­ons. Great, but Propositio­n 61 was not written to address the majority of California­ns with private insurance or Medicare who are faced with the high cost of drugs.

Even The Times’ editorial board has expressed concern about what Big Pharma will do to recoup its lost profits. As an editorial noted, drug companies have responded to past regulatory efforts to control costs by raising prices for buyers in the private sector.

Propositio­n 61 will not help most California­ns find relief. The way this propositio­n is promoted, I do not believe California­ns are aware of this fact.

Although I hate to support anything put out by the drug companies, I think California­ns need to understand the bigger picture that Prop 61 is not the panacea that we had hoped for.

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