Los Angeles Times

Trump is right: It’s rigged

- Bob Nolan Mission Viejo Jan Jay Judah Torrance

Re “Trump: ‘All of these liars will be sued,’ ” Oct 23

Hearing of Donald Trump’s policy speech in Gettysburg, Pa., on Saturday, I opened my Sunday Times to read about it. What I found was an article buried on Page A12 giving almost no detail.

The article characteri­zed the speech as a rehash of old informatio­n, laced with familiar charges of a corrupt media, threats against the women accusing him of sexual misconduct and allegation­s of a rigged election. Of course, the article did not mention the main text of the speech and his commitment to the voters and glossed over some of the new points outlined by Trump.

I found the full text of the speech elsewhere and realized it was an excellent summary of his game plan for his first days as president. People have been complainin­g about lack of substance; this speech had it, but it was not reported by The Times.

Whether you love him or hate him, Trump is correct: The election is rigged and the media are corrupt.

Trump stated in his Gettysburg speech on Saturday that “all of these liars will be sued when the election is over,” referring to the growing group of women who have accused him of sexual misconduct. His running mate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence had previously promised to provide evidence casting doubt on the accusers’ claims “before the day is out.”

In a previous speech, Trump labeled the allegation­s “pure fiction,” “all fabricated” and “outright lies.” He said, “We already have substantia­l evidence to dispute these lies and it will be made public in an appropriat­e way.” Did I miss something?

Why doesn’t Trump release his “evidence” now? Time is of the essence if Trump has any hope of salvaging his sinking boat of a campaign.

As a female voter who personally experience­d sexual abuse as a young woman, I’d find the informatio­n most enlighteni­ng. Of course, there is still the video, but as his wife Melania Trump said, it’s just boy talk.

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