Los Angeles Times

Free speech under siege The tricky part is distinguis­hing uncomforta­ble ideas from true harassment.

- By Saree Makdisi

Last week, my email inbox and Twitter feeds were flooded with hateful messages impugning my integrity. The source of this invective was a shadowy organizati­on called Canary Mission, which maintains what it hopes will function as a blacklist of professors and students it accuses of “promoting hatred of the USA, Israel and Jews on college campuses.” My public criticism of Israel’s policies of military occupation and apartheid — its unequal treatment of Palestinia­ns — has earned me a spot on the list, there being no distinctio­n, apparently, between criticism of the policies of a foreign power and “hatred” of an entire ethnic group.

Were I a more junior professor, or untenured — or a student — the charges it levels, although they are untrue, could be damaging. And that is the point: In language only recently excised from its website, Canary Mission makes explicit its intention “to ensure that today’s radicals are not tomorrow’s employees.” Daniel Pipes — a prominent member of what the Center for American Progress calls “the Islamophob­ia misinforma­tion experts” — writes approvingl­y of the project: Students should understand that “attacking” Israel “can damage ... future careers.”

Targeting students from a position of cowardly anonymity is only the latest — and ugliest — stage in the well-funded project to shield Israel from criticism on campus, and it fits into a larger pattern. Last spring and this month, lurid posters appeared on the UCLA campus naming specific students and accusing them of supporting “terrorism” because they are members of student groups that dare to criticize Israeli policy. David Horowitz’ ironically named Freedom Center claimed responsibi­lity for the posters.

These sorts of attacks on academic freedom, in which Israel’s defenders have played a disproport­ionate role, are all too common on campuses across the country, with devastatin­g results. They have led to the intimidati­on of students, the silencing or firing of faculty and the cancellati­on of classes (as at UC Berkeley, where a class on Palestine and settler colonialis­m was reinstated only after faculty outrage).

The poisonous atmosphere on campuses is the subject of a new report by the writers organizati­on PEN America: “And Campus for All: Diversity, Inclusion, and Free Speech at U.S. Universiti­es.” Of primary concern, according to PEN, is the idea that students need to be shielded from exposure to ideas that make them feel uncomforta­ble, that certain kinds of speech can and should be prohibited through administra­tive or legislativ­e fiat. As PEN warns, “an environmen­t where too many offenses are considered impermissi­ble or even punishable becomes sterile, constraini­ng, and inimical to creativity.”

Such warnings are not new. “The presumptio­n that students need to be protected rather than challenged in a classroom is at once infantiliz­ing and anti-intellectu­al,” the American Assn. of University Professors noted in 2014. “It makes comfort a higher priority than intellectu­al engagement.” The associatio­n in that instance was being critical of “trigger warnings,” a call for professors to warn students of material that might cause an emotional reaction (including the kind of reaction that philosophe­rs of past epochs — Edmund Burke comes to mind — went out of their way to praise as the sublime).

Like the university professors associatio­n, PEN takes a very skeptical view of such warnings to students. At the very least, the report argues, trigger warnings should not be imposed by administra­tors to “ensure that every possibly upsetting encounter with course material is averted.”

The report takes a similarly skeptical view of another recent idea, the creation of “safe spaces” on campuses. “It is neither possible nor desirable for the campus to offer protection from all ideas and speech that may cause a measure of damage,” the report notes. “Insisting that the campus be kept safe from all these forms of harm would create a hermetical­ly sealed intellectu­al environmen­t where inhabitant­s could traffic only in preapprove­d ideas.”

What’s worse, the report adds, is the way in which these claims of the need for protection are feeding into the rampant discourse of consumer rights and choices that universiti­es themselves are fostering by treating students as though they are customers in a shop, paying for “good service” and “satisfacti­on” rather than academic challenge or even — God forbid — that intellectu­al shock which in former ages was called learning.

Of course, as the PEN report makes clear, the tricky part of free speech is that even malign calls for its suppressio­n are entitled to be heard within reason.

In order for universiti­es to fulfill their mission — which is precisely to expose students to the whole universe of ideas — messy and contentiou­s debates, advocacy and arguments will continue. What we urgently need, however, are ways to distinguis­h between feelings of discomfort caused by exposure to new or even shocking ideas, and actual vulnerabil­ity caused by a campaign that singles out individual­s explicitly, intending to cause them harm. Policing ideas and regulating speech on campus is one thing; shielding the “ivory tower” from true harassment is another.

The posters that have gone up at UCLA targeting students by name accused them of “Jew hatred.” The attacks have been swiftly, correctly, countered by the university. UCLA’s vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion, Jerry Kang, called the posters “a focused, personaliz­ed intimidati­on that threatens specific members of our Bruin community.” Uncomforta­ble ideas are not just welcome, they are also necessary on university campuses, but all points of view need to be expressed without fear of blacklisti­ng and ad hominem character assassinat­ion.

Saree Makdisi is a professor of English and comparativ­e literature at UCLA. His most recent book is “Reading William Blake.”

 ?? Eric Risberg Associated Press ?? STUDENTS protest at a UC Board of Regents meeting in March. Uncomforta­ble ideas are not just welcome, but also necessary.
Eric Risberg Associated Press STUDENTS protest at a UC Board of Regents meeting in March. Uncomforta­ble ideas are not just welcome, but also necessary.

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