Los Angeles Times

Trump’s lesson on his limits

- RONALD BROWNSTEIN Ronald Brownstein isa senior editor at the Atlantic.

Donald Trump wanted to start his presidency with the shock and awe of rapid change. Instead, he’s stuck in grinding trench warfare.

Trump’s tumultuous first month has been an extended lesson in the limits of a president’s power — as well as the limits of Trump’s own intellectu­al and emotional ability to operate within those constraint­s. To regroup, he will need to respond with something besides the rage, bluster and disdain he’s exhibited so far.

Trump is facing effective pushback from virtually every counterfor­ce, at home and abroad, that can constrain a president. A partial list would include federal courts, the career federal civil service, the intelligen­ce and law enforcemen­t communitie­s, spirited investigat­ive-reporting teams, a highly energized public opposition, state and local government­s, and other nations. With Republican­s determined to bolster Trump, Congress is conspicuou­sly absent from this list, though the squall of GOP senators demanding broader investigat­ion of the administra­tion’s Russia dealings, following the resignatio­n of national security advisor Michael Flynn, may signal a change.

So far, federal courts have checked Trump most forcefully. That follows the pattern of the last two presidents. Both George W. Bush (mostly on national security and surveillan­ce) and Barack Obama (primarily on domestic issues like immigratio­n) demonstrat­ed that Congress has limited ability to truly stop a president determined to push the boundaries of executive power. But each man saw the courts affirm limits on his authority by blocking key initiative­s — as several federal courts, led by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, have already done with Trump’s executive order temporaril­y barring immigratio­n from seven Muslim-majority nations.

Many of the legal fights against Obama were led by Republican state attorneys general, who repeatedly sued him en masse on initiative­s from immigratio­n to climate change. That opened a new front in checking a president; states controlled by the opposite party had not systematic­ally sued Bush or Bill Clinton. Now, Democratic attorneys general have adopted the GOP model, with 15 states joining Washington and Minnesota to sue Trump over the immigratio­n ban.

Trump has also faced a swarm of damaging leaks from within his administra­tion, the most consequent­ial of which led to Flynn’s resignatio­n after the Washington Post disclosed he had discussed loosening sanctions with Russia’s U.S. ambassador before Trump took office. Perpetual infighting among Trump’s skeletal staff partly explains this daily torrent of unauthoriz­ed disclosure­s. More worrying for Trump is how it reflects resistance to his agenda and skepticism about his competence among career government officials, particular­ly in intelligen­ce, national security and law enforcemen­t.

Perhaps the most ominous fact in the Post’s scoop was that no less than nine current and former intelligen­ce officials had confirmed Flynn’s communicat­ions. That sends the White House two equally chilling signals: The counterint­elligence investigat­ion into the Trump team’s contacts with Russia during the campaign is progressin­g, and at least some involved are fearful it will be shut down without public disclosure. Several other reports reinforce that message, including CNN’s report that intelligen­ce officials have confirmed some aspects of the “dossier” on Trump and Russia (though not the most salacious or controvers­ial details) and New York Times and CNN stories on contacts between Trump advisors and Russian officials during the campaign.

Other nations are asserting limits too. After loudly questionin­g the “one China” policy, Trump last week quietly reaffirmed it in his first phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping. That retreat reflected the U.S. need for Chinese cooperatio­n on other fronts, such as imposing restraints on North Korea, which baited Trump with a missile test last weekend. Meanwhile, European officials say that Trump’s team, facing near-unified internatio­nal resistance, has privately acknowledg­ed it will uphold the Iranian nuclear deal he publicly disdains.

Amid all these challenges, Trump is also facing a ferociousl­y mobilized domestic opposition marked by the largest protests and highest disapprova­l ratings confrontin­g any newly elected president. It took nearly 600 days for Obama’s disapprova­l rating to reach even 50% in Gallup polling; Trump hit 55% disapprova­l in 23 days. That discontent may not affect Trump’s decisions, but it has already pressured congressio­nal Democrats to oppose him more systematic­ally than they — or the White House — initially envisioned. Combined with divisions among Republican­s, that resistance may, for example, make repealing the Affordable Care Act as much of a quagmire for Trump as passing it was for Obama.

Presidents have many levers to drive the national agenda and Trump has shown he will use them aggressive­ly. If he can confirm his nominee Neil M. Gorsuch, a Supreme Court with five Republican-appointed justices might prove cool to legal challenges against him. Trump’s support remains strong among his core voters. But in politics weakness feeds on itself, and it’s usually not very long before a president who cannot master events finds himself at their mercy.

The president faces effective opposition on many fronts.

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