Los Angeles Times

Israel envoy choice comes under attack

He apologizes for past incendiary insults. Democrats decry him as a ‘flamethrow­er.’

- By Tracy Wilkinson tracy.wilkinson @latimes.com

WASHINGTON — David Friedman, President Trump’s nominee to be ambassador to Israel, had barely started his opening remarks at his Senate confirmati­on hearing Thursday when the protests began.

“Palestinia­ns will always be in Palestine,” shouted a man waving a red, green and black Palestinia­n flag.

“You do not represent us!” an American Jew in a kippa shouted a few minutes later.

After guards escorted the hecklers out, Friedman faced tough questionin­g from members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who are skeptical he can conduct diplomacy given his harsh pro-Israel views and incendiary insults.

In recent years, Friedman has called President Obama, other Democratic leaders and critics of Israeli actions anti-Semitic. During the 2016 election, he likened liberal American Jews to Holocaust-era kapos, Jews who collaborat­ed with the Nazis in concentrat­ion camps.

On Thursday, Friedman said he regretted his heated language.

“I cannot justify these hurtful words, which I deeply regret,” said Friedman, a bankruptcy lawyer who has worked for Trump. “I have rejected and I continue to reject the inflammato­ry comments.”

Friedman, the son of a rabbi, said he was qualified to be ambassador because of his knowledge of Israeli history, born of a life of study and more than 50 visits. He also cited his friendship with Trump and his f luency in the Hebrew language.

Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) called on the Trump administra­tion to withdraw the nomination, saying Friedman was “completely unfit” for the job. He also introduced a letter from five former ambassador­s to Israel from Republican and Democratic administra­tions who objected to the nominee.

“We need a steady hand in the Middle East, not a flamethrow­er,” Udall said.

Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin of Maryland, ranking Democrat on the committee, said he was especially distraught over Friedman’s characteri­zation of Sen. Charles E. Schumer of New York, the minority leader, as having capitulate­d to terrorism for comments made during the heated debate on the 2015 deal that blocked Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons.

“I’m having difficulty understand­ing whether you really can be a diplomat,” Cardin said.

Friedman is a financial backer of expanding Jewish settlement­s in the West Bank, land claimed by the Palestinia­ns.

He also has dismissed as unworkable the proposed two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict.

The diplomatic strategy, which envisions an Israeli nation and a Palestinia­n nation existing side by side, has been the cornerston­e of U.S. policy since the Clinton administra­tion, although Trump said Wednesday that he is willing to abandon it if Israel and the Palestinia­ns can produce a better plan.

Friedman told the committee he would be “delighted” to see Israeli and Palestinia­n states coexist but questioned whether that was feasible.

He also is a strong advocate of moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a shift sure to inflame Palestinia­ns who also consider Jerusalem their capital. No other country has put their embassy in Jerusalem because the issue is so sensitive.

During the campaign, Trump vowed to relocate the embassy, but he said Wednesday at a news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the proposed move is still under study.

In response to questions, Friedman said Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 war had “worked out quite well.”

But he said he does not support calls by Israel’s right wing to annex the West Bank in an effort to block creation of a separate Palestinia­n state.

Friedman repeated the Israeli argument that a major impediment to peace is that the Palestinia­ns don’t have leaders with whom Israel can negotiate. The Gaza Strip is controlled by the radical Hamas organizati­on, while the West Bank is controlled by the more moderate Palestinia­n Authority.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who introduced Friedman, acknowledg­ed that the nominee had made some offensive comments, but backed him as experience­d and passionate. “I believe he is the right guy at the right time,” Graham said. “He’ll be Trump’s voice.”

 ?? Jim Lo Scalzo EPA ?? A PROTESTER disrupts the Senate hearing for David Friedman.
Jim Lo Scalzo EPA A PROTESTER disrupts the Senate hearing for David Friedman.

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