Los Angeles Times


- By Chris Woolston

In this age of organic, gluten-free, nonGMO flaxseed muffins, it’s easy to feel overwhelme­d by food choices. We have more options than ever — and more chances to wonder if we’re really eating right. Some choices matter, but other things aren’t nearly as important as they may seem. When building a healthy diet, it helps to know: What things should you sweat over, and which just aren’t worth the worry?


Sure, a diet high in fiber — the indigestib­le roughage from fruits, vegetables and grains — will help keep you regular. But that’s just a bonus. Dietary fiber protects the heart: A 2013 study in the journal BMJ estimated that each 7 grams of fiber a day cut the risk of heart disease by about 10%. Importantl­y, fiber also creates feelings of fullness, making it easier to stick to a reasonable diet. “After calories and portion sizes, fiber is the main thing that I tell my clients to watch out for,” says Marina Chaparro, a dietician in Miami, Florida, and a spokespers­on for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She encourages clients to read labels when buying bread, cereals and other grain-based products. If there’s 3 or more grams of fiber per serving, it’s likely a winner. Note that both “soluble” fiber (found in produce and oats) and “insoluble” fiber (found in wheat and other grains as well as produce) are good for heart and health.


Twenty teaspoons of added sugar sounds like the makings of a decadent cake, but it’s actually the amount the average American eats each day. The American Heart Assn. recommends cutting back to just 6 teaspoons (24 grams) of added sugar for women and 9 teaspoons (36 grams) for men. The latest government guidelines, from 2015, suggest about 12 teaspoons (50 grams) for anyone on a typical 2,000 calorie diet. There’s good reason to watch sugar: Too much raises the risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Because sugar often lurks in sodas, fancy coffees, sports drinks and juices, Chaparro urges clients to drink water — the original sugar-free beverage. (And, by the way, she says that “natural” sugars like honey and agave syrup aren’t better for you than the white stuff.)


These fall into two categories: heart friendly and heart not-so-friendly. The best oils — including canola, safflower, peanut, olive and mixed vegetable oils — are packed with polyunsatu­rated or monounsatu­rated fats that, according to the AHA, can help lower cholestero­l and prevent heart disease. Polyunsatu­rated fats also seem to ward off diabetes by increasing sensitivit­y to insulin, says Martha Belury, professor of human nutrition at Ohio State University. “There’s definitely a place for healthy oils in a good diet,” she says. Belury recommends avoiding cooking with tropical oils such as palm oil and coconut oil — these have more saturated fat, which in large amounts can lead to clogged arteries. And one more thing: Belury and other nutrition experts recommend that we increase our intake of oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help protect the brain as well as the heart. Good sources are fatty, cold-water fish as well as nuts and seeds.


Lots of people shun gluten — a protein found in wheat, barley and some other grains — for no good reason, Chaparro says. Unless you’re one of the rare people with celiac disease or a sensitivit­y to gluten, the protein can be a no-sweat part of a healthy diet, she says. “It frustrates me to see healthy people avoiding gluten when they don’t need to.” She notes that gluten-free diets can lack some of the fiber and vitamins found in whole grain foods. “There’s a perception that gluten is a villain,” she says. “But the lack of gluten in a food doesn’t tell you anything about its nutrition.”


In general, there’s no health reason to seek out that organic sticker at the grocery store, Belury says. Studies find that non-organic foods are just as tasty and nutritious. Belury recommends picking foods that look fresh and giving them a good wash — after all, even organic foods can have pesticide residue that you don’t necessaril­y want in your meals. The organic label may matter with milk, though. A 2016 study in the British Journal of Nutrition reported that organic milk contained about 50% more omega-3 fatty acids than did nonorganic milk. Organic milk also had slightly more vitamin E and iron.


Despite millions of dollars’ worth of studies, there’s no good evidence that multivitam­ins have anything to offer the average, healthy person. They don’t seem to protect against any disease, they don’t boost energy, and they don’t help people live longer. “Unless you have a really poor diet, you can spend your money on something else,” Chaparro says. Still, she adds, multivitam­ins can be a good insurance policy for vegetarian­s and other people who may have large dietary gaps.

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