Los Angeles Times

The private space race

- Source: Times research by Scott Wilson

OCT. 30, 1984

President Reagan signs the Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984, which encourages the developmen­t of private spacefligh­t and empowers the Transporta­tion Department to license all commercial space launches.

APRIL 5, 1990

Orbital Sciences Corp., a small Fairfax, Va., company, launches a pair of military satellites into space using an innovative unmanned rocket that was launched after being dropped from a B-52. It was the first time that a payload had been launched into space orbit from a plane.

APRIL 28, 2001

The world’s first space tourist, Dennis A. Tito, is launched into space aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket. Tito, a California multimilli­onaire who founded Wilshire Associates Inc., an investment firm in Santa Monica, paid $20 million for the trip. Tito spent eight days on the Internatio­nal Space Station with two cosmonauts.

OCT. 4, 2004

SpaceShipO­ne, a privately funded manned rocket, soared into space and back for the second time, claiming the $10-million Ansari Xprize and raising prospects for low-cost, reliable personal spacefligh­ts.

MAY 22, 2012

Space Exploratio­n Technologi­es Corp., or SpaceX, becomes the first private company to launch a spacecraft to the Internatio­nal Space Station. The company’s Falcon 9 rocket sent a unmanned capsule carrying cargo to the space station.

OCT. 31, 2015

Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipT­wo, intended to ferry paying customers into space, disintegra­tes on a test flight, killing one of two pilots.

DEC. 21, 2015

Elon Musk's SpaceX successful­ly launches 11 satellites into orbit and returns the towering first-stage booster safely back to Earth, with a historic landing at Florida's Cape Canaveral. The milestone opens the door for reducing the cost of delivering cargo to space by reusing rockets.

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