Los Angeles Times

What really should be feared


Re “I’ll take fear over apathy,” Opinion, March 14

Bravo to Jonah Goldberg for overcoming his “healthy” fears of “snakes, sharks, and falling out of an airplane.” Those fears are personal and not especially healthy.

Downplayin­g FDR’s exhortatio­n to Americans to not be afraid in a period of deep worldwide depression and turmoil was irrelevant to Goldberg’s plea that we should “cultivate understand­ing of each other’s fears.” Roosevelt was trying to keep America hopeful, just as President Obama was, when he took office in the middle of a desperate financial meltdown.

Of course we should try to understand one another better. But that does not mean we should deny our anger when we hear our leaders claim, for example, that climate change is an expensive hoax, that we must expel innocent people from our country, or that we should trust corporatio­ns to act in the public interest.

What we all should fear is the greed that feeds the political machinery of the Republican­s now in power. It does not help that their leader is an impulsive, inexperien­ced businessma­n. Richard Klinger

Sherman Oaks

I do not fear President Trump or the GOP, but I am cautious about their policies. Fear silences reason and prompts us to act irrational­ly.

That Goldberg holds this as a conservati­ve value is no surprise. This “value” is why we are bogged down in two wars, are contemplat­ing building a useless wall and are still mired in impossible healthcare issues.

His ridicule of FDR’s statement against fear says it all. Conservati­ves are afraid. Progressiv­es fearlessly look to the future. Francis X. Fashing

Palm Desert

Fear imparts vital informatio­n, as Goldberg states, but he convenient­ly omits the rest of FDR’s sentence: “nameless, unreasonin­g, unjustifie­d terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

I agree with Goldberg, but I do not condone his use of partial quotations to make a point. Richard R. McCurdy


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