Los Angeles Times

Global warming and shrinking

When the Earth’s temperatur­e rises, some mammals may get smaller.

- DEBORAH NETBURN deborah.netburn@latimes.com Twitter: @DeborahNet­burn

Fifty-six million years ago, about 10 million years after the dinosaurs went extinct, something strange happened to our planet. It got hot. Really hot. Hotter than it had ever been since the Earth formed a few billion years earlier.

Carbon signatures in the geological record show that global temperatur­e rose 5 to 8 degrees Celsius within 10,000 years.

They also indicate that the planet’s temperatur­e remained elevated for an additional 170,000 years before returning to normal.

Scientists describe this (relatively) rapid rise in temperatur­e as a “hypertherm­al event,” and it is not the only one that has ever occurred.

About 2 million years later, the Earth experience­d another surge in temperatur­e that was about half the magnitude of its predecesso­r.

Over the course of Earth’s history there have been other, smaller hypertherm­al events as well. Most scientists would agree that we are in the midst of one right now.

Abigail D’Ambrosia, a graduate student at the University of New Hampshire, is interested in what happens to living things when the global temperatur­e jumps.

Do they go extinct? Do they adapt? Do they change?

Her research, published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances, shows that at least in the case of some mammals, they shrink.

And it turns out that the amount they shrink is directly related to how hot the planet gets.

The findings are based on a new analysis of fossilized teeth and jaw fragments collected from the Bighorn Basin in northweste­rn Wyoming, about 80 miles east of Yellowston­e National Park.

“For adult mammals, measuring teeth is a great proxy for body size,” D’Ambrosia said.

By comparing the change in tooth size of the same species over time, researcher­s have already shown that mammal dwarfing occurred during the largest ancient warming event, approximat­ely 56 million years ago.

Specifical­ly, they showed that the earliest equid, Sifrhippus, shrank by at least 30% during the first 130,000 years of the warming event. As the global temperatur­e slowly returned to normal, its body size rebounded by 76%.

D’Ambrosia, whose Twitter handle is @ClimateDen­tist, wondered whether similar dwarfing had occurred during the smaller warming event roughly 54 million years ago.

To find out, she set to work gathering and measuring teeth of four mammals that lived before and during it. Included in her research was Arenahippu­s pernix (an early horse about the size of a small dog), Diacodexis metsiacus (a rabbit-sized predecesso­r of pigs and deer), Hyopsodus simplex (a weasel-sized herbivore) and Cantius abditus (an early primate similar to modern lemurs).

D’Ambrosia said that especially for the little horse, the difference in tooth size between individual­s that lived before the warming event and those that lived during it was obvious.

“That was the coolest thing,” she said. “When I first started taking measuremen­ts my advisor started randomly grabbing teeth and guessing which came from the hypertherm­al. Just visually, he could pick them out.”

A scientific analysis of the data revealed that during the second warming event, Arenahippu­s shrank in size by an average of 14% — the equivalent of going from dog-sized to cat-sized, D’Ambrosia said.

This finding suggests that at least for equids, the dwarfing response to an increase in climate change scales proportion­ately with the magnitude of the warming.

During the first warming event, the small horse decreased in size by 30%. In the second warming event, which was about half as intense, a different small horse dwarfed by 14%.

“These results are significan­t because they provide a new test of whether climate drives changes in body size in mammals,” said Jonathan Bloch, curator of vertebrate paleontolo­gy at the Florida Museum of Natural History, who was not involved in the study.

“Based on what we now understand about these repeated past experiment­s, it is becoming increasing­ly clear that one of the changes that we should expect to see with future global warming will be shifts in body size for some mammal lineages,” he said.

D’Ambrosia had fewer teeth from the other three species included in the study, but she was still able to report that Diacodexis, the deer predecesso­r, exhibited dwarfing of 15%. The change in size of the weaselsize­d herbivore Hyopsodus was an insignific­ant 4%, and the primate Cantius bucked the trend by appearing to grow 2%. However, neither of these last two findings were significan­t.

“It’s hard to say what is going on in detail without collecting more samples,” D’Ambrosia said.

Although shrinking in the face of climate change may seem like a strange response, it is well known in scientific communitie­s that mammals get smaller in warmer climates. For example, red foxes that live in higher, cooler latitudes are larger than those that live closer to the equator. This phenomenon even has its own name — Bergmann’s rule.

“The idea behind it is that it is more efficient to cool off if you have a small body size because you have a larger surface-area-to-volume ratio,” D’Ambrosia said.

This ratio allows smaller animals let off more heat, while having a larger body size in a cooler environmen­t helps an animal retain heat.

But she added that it is also possible that animals living through ancient hypertherm­al events may have shrunk for other reasons, including not being able to get enough water or food.

As the planet continues to warm today, scientists may be able to see for themselves what drives the mammal dwarf response.

Ross Secord, a professor of vertebrate paleontolo­gy at the University of Nebraska who was not involved in the new study, said there is already evidence from museum collection­s of modern birds and mammals that some species have gotten smaller over the last century because of a warming climate.

“Unfortunat­ely,” D’Ambrosia said, “today is a really great experiment.”

 ?? Grace Delgado ?? THE LEADER of a new study, Abigail D’Ambrosia, holds tooth fossils of the same species from different eras. The one on the left is from an unusually warm period.
Grace Delgado THE LEADER of a new study, Abigail D’Ambrosia, holds tooth fossils of the same species from different eras. The one on the left is from an unusually warm period.

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