Los Angeles Times

A small step on teacher tenure


Twelve years ago, then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzene­gger learned a painful lesson about the might of the California Teachers Assn. when he pushed a ballot measure to lengthen the time it takes for teachers to get tenure. Not only did that proposal go down, but the revved-up union energy contribute­d to the defeat of the entire slate of Schwarzene­gger-backed proposals, putting a serious dent in his image as the guy who could slide into Sacramento from Hollywood and sell anything to voters.

The issue didn’t die when Propositio­n 74 was defeated, however. There has been an unending debate about the value and effects of tenure, several bills to weaken tenure laws, and one big lawsuit: the Vergara complaint, which claimed that teacher-protection laws unconstitu­tionally deprived California students of a decent education. The assertion was off base, and the lawsuit was rejected on appeal last year. But the Vergara plaintiffs’ critique of the system was valid: The laws go too far in placing the right of teachers to job protection­s over the right of students to reasonably good teachers. Even if they’re not unconstitu­tional, the laws are bad policy. But the majority of legislator­s can’t seem to muster the moxie to do what they clearly know is in the students’ best interests, not with so much CTA campaign money floating around Sacramento.

Twelve years after Schwarzene­gger’s failed try, this is precisely how far we’ve come: Nowhere.

Still, another year, another effort: AB 1220 by Assemblywo­man Shirley Weber (D-San Diego) would enact the mildest sort of tenure reform, addressing only the situation that Schwarzene­gger tried to tackle with Propositio­n 74. It’s expected to reach the Assembly floor for a vote this week.

Under current law, a school district has to decide whether to permanentl­y hire a probationa­ry teacher after two years on the job, which, given requiremen­ts for notice, actually means after 18 months. Considerin­g that firing a permanent teacher is a long, expensive procedure that is stacked against the school district, 18 months to make such a decision is utterly inadequate. It takes most new teachers four years to reach their peak performanc­e, numerous studies have found. In fact, the short timeline is, if anything, unfair to new instructor­s. A teacher who looks like an iffy prospect at 18 months might be rejected under the current do-or-die law; that same teacher might improve by leaps and bounds over the next year if he or she is retained.

Assembly Bill 1220 would extend the probationa­ry period by one more year, placing California in the same ballpark as almost every other state. And if a teacher’s skills still look wobbly in the middle of that third year, the school could extend probationa­ry status by up to two more years, but would have to invest in considerab­le training to help the teacher improve.

This isn’t all the reform that California needs in the laws governing public school teachers. Firing obviously bad or uncaring classroom instructor­s shouldn’t be as long or hard a procedure as it is. Seniority protection­s go too far in keeping more seasoned teachers in their jobs, even when they are drasticall­y underperfo­rming compared with less experience­d colleagues.

The trouble lies in finding the right middle ground. It’s important for the state to maintain protective laws for teachers, whose jobs could otherwise be at risk for reasons having nothing to do with their skill or dedication. A teacher revered by one principal might be picked on by the next one, and cash-strapped schools might have an incentive to fire experience­d, but higher paid, faculty. California won’t improve its schools by making teachers feel they’re under attack.

Proposed legislatio­n last year made a good attempt to reach that solid middle ground on tenure, giving principals a measured bit of additional power to delay judgments and to fire poorly performing teachers. Predictabl­y, the Legislatur­e, which has a long record of acceding to the wishes of the teachers union, rejected it.

The CTA opposes AB 1220 too, although it’s hard to imagine why it would balk at even this modest, narrowly targeted bill. The union’s argument that the measure would discourage people from becoming teachers rings false. There is no evidence that weaker tenure protection­s in other states have turned off prospectiv­e teachers, or that California’s stronger law has encouraged them, considerin­g that the state faces a severe shortage of qualified teachers in math, science and other fields. AB 1220 is entirely reasonable, and lawmakers should be willing to part company with the CTA enough to pass it.

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