Los Angeles Times

Congressma­n’s O.C. town hall turns chaotic

Protesters disrupt the immigratio­n-focused event as arguments get heated.

- By Sarah D. Wire sarah.wire@latimes.com

WASHINGTON — The majority of calls into Rep. Lou Correa’s Orange County congressio­nal office are about immigratio­n worries and what the Trump administra­tion’s enforcemen­t policies mean for Correa’s many Latino constituen­ts.

“There’s a lot of fear in my district,” he said.

So the freshman Democrat has held seven town halls, all focused on immigratio­n and explaining immigrants’ rights. They’ve been peaceful, with representa­tives from groups such as the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles and the Mexican Consulate invited to help Correa answer questions.

But as the crowd of about 100 people gathered at Santa Ana’s Delhi Center on Tuesday evening, Correa knew this time would be different.

“We had some people there, probably a dozen of them, that immediatel­y had signs that were not compliment­ary to yours truly,” he said.

Two women arguing about immigratio­n issues had already gotten into an altercatio­n outside the town hall. They were cited for assault and battery, and barred by police from going inside.

Correa told the crowd inside that he would give a short presentati­on about immigratio­n policy coming out of Washington and then have a question-and-answer session.

About a dozen people were having none of it. Some of the most tense moments came when Correa started talking about green card holders who served in the U.S. military and have since been deported.

“Ma’am, I’m trying to be courteous here,” he said as a woman kept speaking over him.

“As soon as I started speaking, it became very clear they were not going to let me speak,” Correa said Wednesday. “They just got louder and louder.”

Video of the town hall posted on social media shows people in the crowd yelling, “Americans first” and “Illegals have no rights.”

Correa repeatedly asks them to let him speak. “Are you guys going to cooperate, or am I going to have to ask you to leave?” he said.

About 15 minutes in, as some in the crowd continued to shout and their attention turned to berating a group of counter-protesters, Correa declared the meeting over.

A handful of people circled around Correa as he tried to leave, yelling, “Shame, shame” and “You guys all want welfare.” One woman’s voice can be heard repeatedly yelling, “Coward!”

Police emptied the room amid chants of “USA.” The crowd streamed into the parking lot, where confrontat­ions quickly started between supporters of President Trump and others who appeared to be focused on Native American rights.

Videos posted on social media show men shouting at one another, their faces so close their noses are practicall­y touching. Police officers kept trying to separate the groups.

Santa Ana Police Department spokesman Anthony Bertagna said a man struck a Trump supporter on the head with a pole bearing an anti-fascism flag. He was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, Bertagna said.

The man was brought to police headquarte­rs, and a group of about 10 people followed along to protest, he said.

Shortly after, the town hall peacefully resumed in a different room with a much smaller crowd, Correa said.

Several California members of Congress have held similar immigratio­n-specific town halls or workshops in the last few months as questions swirl about changes to federal immigratio­n policies and enforcemen­t.

The purpose of the town halls is to “let people know how to follow the law, let them know their legal rights and responsibi­lities,” Correa said. Protesters have characteri­zed it as teaching people who are in the country illegally how to avoid deportatio­n and get federal benefits.

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