Los Angeles Times

When will the shootings stop?

Gun violence hits close to home for lawmakers. Will it make them change their stance on the NRA?

- T may take some time

Ibefore we learn the whole story behind this morning’s shooting at a Republican congressio­nal baseball practice in Alexandria, Va., but early reports indicate the gunman, a Bernie Sanders supporter, harbored deep anger and frustratio­n over the election of President Donald Trump.

James Thomas Hodgkinson apparently was armed with a rifle and a handgun, and he opened fire from outside the third base side of the field. Capitol police officers there to protect House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana, who was critically wounded, responded with handguns as the ballplayer­s — including Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama and Sens. Rand Paul and Jeff Flake — hit the ground. It was a terrifying scene, witnesses said; Brooks estimated that more than 50 shots were fired.

The incident got the wall-to-wall coverage it did because of whom the victims were — members of Congress and their aides. Even though mass shootings are relatively common, most are not covered nearly so closely. For instance, just 50 miles to the north, in Baltimore, six people were killed and two more wounded in shootings over Monday night and into Tuesday morning. And on Wednesday, even as police were responding to the shootings in Alexandria, a gunman shot up a UPS facility in San Francisco, killing three people and then himself. Those incidents received relatively little coverage, because news is what’s different, not what’s achingly familiar.

The Alexandria shooter’s apparent fierce opposition to Trump has led some to wonder whether the debased and vitriolic level of debate in the country is now inciting violence among disaffecte­d voters. To that, we would only repeat what we said when Rep. Gabby Giffords, an Arizona Democrat, was shot in 2011: that while the country is indeed in the grip of bitter polarizati­on and partisan animosity, it is generally unfair to blame violent acts on the speech of others. Just as Martin Scorsese’s movie “Taxi Driver” wasn’t to blame for John Hinckley’s shooting of Ronald Reagan, the attempted assassinat­ion of Gifford wasn’t due to the rhetoric of Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin. And neither Sanders nor his supporters can be blamed collective­ly for the actions of one deranged man in Alexandria.

Certainly American political discourse is too vituperati­ve. Anger leads to resentment and stubbornne­ss, and away from reasoned discussion and rational compromise. That’s bad for the country and bodes unfavorabl­y for the years ahead. Let’s tone it down by all means. But there’s a difference between even the most rancorous and impassione­d speech, and violence.

When Giffords was shot in 2011 (and six other people died), calls went out for more rigid gun control measures. The injured congresswo­man, who supports the right to own firearms, now devotes significan­t time and energy to strengthen­ing gun control laws and limiting access to firearms. But little has been gained. Since 2011, more than 100 bills seeking to control access to guns — from tougher background checks to banning magazines holding more than 10 rounds to closing the “gun show loophole” — have failed to pass, primarily because of the cozy relationsh­ip between the gun lobby and Republican lawmakers.

The debate over gun control will likely become energized after today’s shooting, the specifics no doubt tailored to the incident itself. Did the gunman procure his weapon or weapons legally? If not, how did he get them? Was he mentally ill? Should he have been eligible for a permit? There’s a usual list of questions that arise in such shootings. That we have such a familiar de facto system for processing this kind of violence should be a ringing signal that we have, as a nation, tolerated routine gun violence for far too long.

We fervently hope that the victims of today’s shooting recover fully. We also hope that the next time National Rifle Assn. lobbyists visit Capitol Hill with their guns-foreveryon­e agenda, Republican members of Congress greet them with more probing skepticism than they have in the past. But we’re not optimistic. Even after getting shot at, Brooks remained steadfast Wednesday in his pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment rhetoric, describing the incident as “one of the bad side effects of someone not exercising those rights properly.”

Unfortunat­ely, such “side effects” are daily occurrence­s. The Republican­s who run Congress need to learn from the awful incident in Alexandria and drop their cynical posturing on behalf of the NRA. It’s time to take a stand against gun violence.

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