Los Angeles Times

Steven F. Hayward Method to his madness?

- Steven F. Hayward is senior resident scholar at the Institute of Government­al Studies at UC Berkeley.


year into the Trump era, President Trump is living up to his advance billing as a “black swan” event for American politics — disrupting everything he touches. He has opened divisions and brought chaos to both parties, and the turmoil is not going to abate with the midterm election next year, no matter what the result. The GOP may never be the same, while a lurch further to the populist left by Democrats might be a formula for additional electoral disaster. The culture wars have gone thermonucl­ear, with institutio­ns such as the NFL suddenly embroiled in heightened political controvers­y.

Trump’s critics on both left and right may claim vindicatio­n from the latest public opinion polls showing Trump’s personal approval rating at 38% or less, the lowest ever for a first-year president. This is an abysmal rating at a time of accelerati­ng economic growth, near-full employment, rising consumer and business confidence, and no major foreign crisis or war under way.

But given the intra-party divisions, lack of legislativ­e progress in Congress, and the general tumult around the White House, perhaps it is more remarkable that Trump’s approval rating is as high as it is. This reflects the solidity of his base, which remains as enthusiast­ic for Trump today as it was during the campaign.

In assessing Trump’s prospects, let’s keep in mind that Trump’s personal approval rating on election day was nearly as negative. Last year, Americans voted for someone they didn’t much like, reflecting the even greater dislike of Hillary Clinton and the desire for a change of direction in Washington. Change is what we got.

In assessing Trump’s accomplish­ments, let’s not get too distracted by his unconventi­onal conduct. This hitherto ideologica­lly un-moored man has set in motion an administra­tion arguably more conservati­ve than Ronald Reagan’s. While the Congress controlled by his adopted party remains gridlocked, Trump is rolling back regulation­s and a number of the Obama administra­tion’s most controvers­ial achievemen­ts, including the internal structure of Obamacare and the Clean Power Plan. His foreign policy resets look increasing­ly sure-footed. His judicial nominees are uniformly conservati­ve. It is inconceiva­ble that any of the other leading Republican candidates from the 2016 cycle would have governed as boldly as Trump has.

Trump’s rhetorical and behavioral recklessne­ss — his government-by-tweet — still make it hard to discern whether there is a method to his madness, or whether he is just going with the populist flow he helped unleash. He has yet to be tested with a serious crisis, where showmanshi­p and bluster count for nothing. Aristotle wrote that “rule shows the man,” but what we’re seeing so far is still confusing.

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