Los Angeles Times

Institutio­ns have empowered Trump

President is looking to make them work for, instead of against, him.

- By Jesse Walker Jesse Walker is an editor at Reason magazine. His most recent book is “The United States of Paranoia.”

Donald Trump is a Rorschach blot on the office of the presidency. Some people look at him and see a dangerous authoritar­ian. Some see a leader too weak to be authoritar­ian. Some see a weak leader who nonetheles­s has an authoritar­ian heart. And that’s just the people who don’t like the guy.

Still, pretty much everyone who isn’t paid to pretend otherwise agrees that he’s been hemmed in by Washington’s permanent institutio­ns. Trump has signed just one major piece of legislatio­n, and his executive orders have frequently landed with a splat. From his stab at banning transgende­r soldiers to his efforts to defund sanctuary cities, Trump has hit one wall after another.

That has led some anti-Trump pundits to a quietly optimistic take on the state of the country. “America’s core institutio­ns may not be in perfect health,” Zack Beauchamp summed it up in Vox, “but they seem to be functionin­g well enough to constrain a president who’s gone after essential parts of its democratic system.”

Yet if institutio­ns have largely kept Trump from pushing presidenti­al power in new directions, they have also let him intensify authoritar­ian policies that already exist.

While some institutio­ns have kept Trump in check, others have empowered him.

In some ways, immigratio­n is the great success story for the institutio­ns-will-save-us crowd. Thanks to the courts, Trump’s travel ban has been both narrowed and delayed. State and local government have refused to cooperate with some elements of Trump’s deportatio­n drive, and so far the Justice Department has been impotent in its efforts to bring them in line. Trump hasn’t even had much luck yet in getting Congress to cough up funds for his border wall. But courts, federalism and an opposition party aren’t the only institutio­ns at work here.

Trump inherited a powerful raids-and-deportatio­n apparatus, and he hasn’t been shy about using it. And so while deportatio­ns themselves have receded somewhat in the last year, deportatio­n arrests have surged — and they’re much more likely to take place far from the border.

The American Civil Liberties Union reports a “notable increase” in “arrests of people who don’t have criminal records, those who show up to routine check-in meetings with agents, and even people previously offered humanitari­an exceptions.”

That apparatus is an institutio­n. It was built up by prior presidents of both parties, along with Congress and the bureaucrac­y. They assembled a weapon, and then they left it on the Oval Office desk.

Speaking of weapons: Trump has escalated the U.S. presence in Afghanista­n, and his war with Islamic State killed more civilians in just over half a year than Barack Obama’s did in three years. He’s been able to do such things because he inherited a strong institutio­n: an increasing­ly unaccounta­ble system for raining death from the air. Obama got away with claiming that the authorizat­ion to use military force to fight the perpetrato­rs of Sept. 11, 2001, covers all manner of battles around the world. Naturally, Trump’s team has embraced the argument.

And if the president decides to launch nuclear missiles at North Korea this evening, it would take a full-fledged mutiny to stop him. Thank a decades-old policy of giving the president unilateral control of the nuclear arsenal.

Institutio­ns haven’t just empowered Trump; he’s empowered institutio­ns.

The president has allowed the military to make its own decisions on a host of war-making matters without White House input — including, in some theaters, whether to launch a raid or airstrike. He has also reportedly given the CIA the right to conduct its own covert drone strikes in Syria, and there has been talk of letting it exercise that authority elsewhere. Power isn’t flowing to the executive so much as it’s flowing to whole swaths of the executive branch. (That has been true in some ways of the immigratio­n crackdown too. When the slipshod first version of the travel ban came down, Customs and Border Protection field agents were left to make their own choices about how to interpret and enforce it.)

As I write, Donald Trump is at war with elements of the national security and intelligen­ce bureaucrac­ies — or as they’re better known these days, the deep state. Despite this, he hasn’t done anything to roll back the powers of the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion or the National Security Agency. Indeed, he just signed a bill that amps up the very surveillan­ce state that he bitterly claims his enemies have wielded against him.

That shouldn’t surprise anyone. Trump’s fear isn’t that those institutio­ns are too powerful; it’s that they’re disloyal. He doesn’t want reform; he wants a purge. Hemmed in by institutio­ns, he asks himself how he could make those institutio­ns work for him instead of against him. And why wouldn’t he? After all, several are already on the job.

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