Los Angeles Times

Faulted for opioid crisis, drugmaker recasts its message

- By Jenny Gold

A program to give naloxone overdose-antidote kits and training to front-line officers. Funding for pill disposal boxes in pharmacies, clinics and police stations across North Carolina. A radio campaign in Connecticu­t warning of the dangers of opioid abuse. A new medicine to treat opioid-induced constipati­on.

The money behind these efforts to combat the opioid epidemic and its side effects comes from a perhaps unlikely sponsor: Purdue Pharma, the Stamford, Conn.-based company that makes the top-selling opioid, OxyContin.

After years of aggressive­ly promoting OxyContin as a safe and effective way to combat pain, the company is — equally aggressive­ly — recasting itself as a fundamenta­l player in the response to a crisis that many experts say it helped to create. Such efforts come amid hundreds of lawsuits claiming that Purdue fueled the opioid epidemic by deceptivel­y marketing OxyContin, as well as new government efforts to regulate opioids.

In February, Purdue announced that it would stop promoting its opioid drugs to physicians. At the same time, Purdue is looking to partner with other companies and expand its portfolio into areas such as oncology and sleep medicine. OxyContin accounted for more than 94% of Purdue’s sales in 2012 and was still over 82% as of last year, according to Symphony Health.

While patient groups and communitie­s have been quick to accept money for programs they otherwise could not afford, families that have lost loved ones to opioids are not easily placated.

Placing blame

When Sue Kruczek heard the Purdue-sponsored radio ad on her local station, warning of the dangers of opioid addiction, she was so appalled that she said she “almost had to pull over.”

“It’s sickening. It makes me feel sick. I hold Purdue personally responsibl­e for this epidemic,” said Kruczek, who lost her son Nick to an opioid overdose in 2013, just a week shy of his 21st birthday. “It’s blood money at this point.”

Kruczek said she was also unimpresse­d by the fullpage ads Purdue placed in major newspapers in December, touting its “abusedeter­rent” OxyContin formulatio­n and support for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for safe prescribin­g.

Greg Williams, executive vice president of Facing Addiction, a nonprofit group that advocates for people struggling with addiction, noted that the ads were published just months after a coalition of 41 states’ attorneys general subpoenaed records from major opioid manufactur­ers, including Purdue.


“The timing of this recent blitz is not an accident — they were quiet for a long time,” he said of the ads and donations, calling them a tactic to avoid paying more later. “They’re spending millions of dollars to do this when they owe billions.”

Purdue said it is wrong to blame the company for the opioid crisis, which resulted in 42,000 overdose deaths in 2016. The Council of Economic Advisers estimated that the crisis cost $504 billion in 2015, or 2.8% of GDP.

“Pointing fingers isn’t a way to get the resolution we need,” Robert Josephson, a spokesman for Purdue, said in an interview. “Pointing to one company and one product that never constitute­d more than 3.6% of total prescripti­ons really misses the mark.”

The advertisem­ents all end with the phrase: “We want everyone engaged to know you have a partner in Purdue Pharma. This is our fight, too.”

Making donations

Some programs that have benefited from Purdue’s donations say they were unaware that the drugmaker had provided the funding — though in the midst of a crisis they were nonetheles­s grateful.

As part of Purdue’s partnershi­p with the National Sheriffs’ Assn., the sheriff ’s department in rural Wood County, Ohio, received about 60 doses of naloxone for officers to carry. So far, the department has used about seven doses to revive people experienci­ng an overdose.

Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn said that when he received the kits he was not aware that Purdue had provided the funds. But, he said, it would not have affected his decision to accept them.

“I think whoever wants to do it, it’s wonderful,” he said. “If they wouldn’t have done it, I wouldn’t have had it to save those seven lives.”

Fred Wells Brason II, president and chief executive of Project Lazarus in North Carolina, which partnered with Purdue to install pill disposal boxes across the state, said the organizati­on had received little pushback for accepting the donation. The drug companies “are not going to go away. We need them, and patients need them. We just want to make sure prescribin­g is safe and responsibl­e,” he said.

Jodi Barber of Orange County, who lost her 19-yearold son to a prescripti­on drug overdose in 2010, made a similar point.

“We need them to be on our side and help us,” she said of pharmaceut­ical companies. “They need to put the money they do earn — the millions and billions of dollars — into recovery, to get people help.”

OxyContin sales have been dropping in recent years, to $1.7 billion in 2017 from $2.8 billion in 2012, in part because of competitio­n from generics. Unlike other opioid manufactur­ers such as Johnson & Johnson, which makes hundreds of products, Purdue is known almost exclusivel­y for its opioid drugs.

That is partly why it is soliciting business partnershi­ps to diversify its portfolio. But one of the first of the new products feels to some like an affront: Acquired through a partnershi­p with Japanese company Shionogi Inc. and approved last year, Symproic is a pill to treat opioid-induced constipati­on — a common malady of people taking the pain meds. It costs about $350 a month.

Purdue’s recent promise to cut half its sales staff and stop marketing OxyContin to physicians altogether is unlikely to have much of an effect, especially since there are already generic versions of the drug, said Andrew Kolodny, co-director of opioid policy research at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University.

“Once drug companies have generic competitio­n, they often stop promoting anyway,” he said, adding that OxyContin is still being marketed aggressive­ly in other countries through Purdue’s internatio­nal arm, called Mundipharm­a.

Although OxyContin is still protected by a Purdue patent, it is available in multiple generic equivalent forms, sold by generic drug companies with Purdue’s permission.

The company’s approach is nothing new, said Mike Moore, a former attorney general of Mississipp­i who is currently consulting on several major cases against Purdue.

“They have had a history of tiny half-steps every time someone begins looking at them,” Moore said. In 2002, Moore recalled, Purdue gave Florida $2 million for education and prevention programs to combat opioid abuse. “That’s like pennies in a coffee can. It doesn’t do anything.”

Any global settlement with Purdue and other opioid manufactur­ers would need to be at least $100 billion to seriously address the opioid crisis, Moore said.

Promoting opioids

Even as Purdue has cut back its sales force and has been spending on harm reduction, it continues to promote prescribin­g of opioids.

From 2012 to 2017, for example, Purdue gave $4.15 million in funding to patient advocacy organizati­ons and profession­al societies such as the Academy of Integrativ­e Pain Management and the American Academy of Pain Medicine, a recent U.S. Senate investigat­ion found. Many of the groups, in turn, issued statements and guidelines that minimized the risk of long-term use of opioids to treat chronic pain, according to the Senate’s report.

In 2007, Purdue pleaded guilty in federal court to misleading doctors and patients about OxyContin’s risk of addiction and potential for abuse, and agreed to pay $600 million in fines. The period under investigat­ion, however, ended in mid-2001.

Since then, Purdue spokesman Josephson said, Purdue has learned from its mistakes and has an excellent track record. “We as a company have been addressing prescripti­on drug abuse for 15 years,” he said.

Thus far, critics note, Purdue’s efforts have not included methods that would significan­tly reduce or limit sales of OxyContin, the company’s blockbuste­r highdose opioid drug. In statements about opioid misuse, for example, Purdue avoids the term “addiction” and instead focuses on “abuse” of drugs.

“There’s a real sense that they’re saying, ‘We’re not the drivers of the problem, the addicts are the drivers of the problem. We’re going to try to help, but really it’s the addicts and the people traffickin­g in this illegally that are the problem,’ ” said W. Timothy Coombs, a professor of crisis communicat­ions at Texas A&M University.

Said Adriane FughBerman, who studies pharmaceut­ical marketing practices at Georgetown University Medical Center: “If they were really sincere, they would be looking for ways to sell fewer opioids. We’re not seeing that.”

 ?? Toby Talbot Associated Press ?? PURDUE PHARMA, the Stamford, Conn.-based company that makes top-selling OxyContin, is recasting itself as a fundamenta­l player in the response to an opioid crisis that many experts say it helped to create.
Toby Talbot Associated Press PURDUE PHARMA, the Stamford, Conn.-based company that makes top-selling OxyContin, is recasting itself as a fundamenta­l player in the response to an opioid crisis that many experts say it helped to create.

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