Los Angeles Times

L’etat, ce n’est pas Donald Trump


Re “Federal raids target Trump lawyer,” April 10

Naturally, in response to the FBI raid of the office and hotel room of his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, the president went into high dudgeon in expressing his outrage, characteri­zing it as a “disgracefu­l situation” and “an attack on our country.”

I find his latest bloviating especially rich coming from a man who sees no “disgrace” in denigratin­g the media and facts he does not like as “fake news,” labeling its members “enemies of the people,” cozying up to brutal dictators and alienating our allies, and abdicating the nation’s role as the leader of the free world.

Again, President Trump attacked Robert S. Mueller III, declaring that “many people have said” the Justice Department special counsel and former FBI director should be fired, which translates to, “I am dying to fire him.”

What is the president afraid we will learn? For someone who claims he has nothing to hide, he hides a great deal, appearing to be a guilty man. Oren Spiegler

South Strabane Township, Pa.

Trump has reached a new low.

When court-approved search warrants of his personal lawyer’s property appear to present a threat to him, he says: “It’s an attack on our country, in a true sense. It’s an attack on what we all stand for.”

This comment is coming from a former TV entertaine­r who led the “birther” movement against his predecesso­r for five years. This made Trump look bigoted and hurt our country on an internatio­nal stage.

Has any action taken by the president made us proud to be Americans? Bob Gould

Palm Desert

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