Los Angeles Times

She’s still your mother


Re “My mom, the chrysalis,” Opinion, May 13

This Mother’s Day was the first of 67 that passed without my mother, who died from complicati­ons of dementia last January.

While I thoroughly enjoyed and identified with the honeyed prose that emanated from Amy Koss’ opinion piece on her experience­s with her elderly mother, I view my mom through a different looking glass.

Even in death, my mother will always be as I remember her: self-effacing, showing unconditio­nal acceptance and forgivenes­s, and having an internal beauty that became more luminescen­t as her dementia became more pronounced.

Marc Rogers

North Hollywood

I already had a lump in my throat just reading the title of Amy Koss’ op-ed article and her observatio­n, “Just as I will never again see my kids as they once were, I will never again see my mom as she once was.”

She beautifull­y captured my experience with my mother, except that we can still play a made-up card game so she doesn’t have to hold them and even if at times she thinks I’m cheating her.

I would just add that the generation­al transforma­tion Koss describes includes my increasing awareness that, in my daughter’s eyes, she is already losing sight of how I once appeared to her, and we both know it’s happening.

Jacqueline R. Braitman

Valley Village

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