Los Angeles Times

Bonnie & Clyde? Their lesser kin

- — Katie Walsh

“Carter & June,” written and directed by Nicholas Kalikow, is a wacky, Southern-fried heist comedy; a neon-saturated “Bonnie & Clyde” heavily influenced by “Pulp Fiction.”

Low-life Carter (Michael Raymond-James) teams up with June (Samaire Armstrong) and assorted eccentrics to attempt a series of increasing­ly dubious bank robberies. They want to score big, but Carter’s under pressure to repay the money he owes a local strip club impresario, Spencer Rabbit (Timothy Omundson), a character who falls somewhere between Col. Sanders and Leonardo Dicaprio’s Calvin Candie in “Django Unchained.”

Along the way, Carter and June pick up more accomplice­s, from a local police officer to a couple who believe they’re ordained by God to steal money and start a church. It all turns into a complex, swampy mess of mishaps and love triangles that inevitably ends in a strip club shootout.

“Carter & June” has some campy charm, especially Omundson’s thundering performanc­e and Lindsay Musil as the manic, Jesus-loving Barbie doll Darla Mae. But it relies too heavily on the old-school idea that nudity, violence and a whole lot of red lighting translate into edginess. We understand that Carter and June, the least interestin­g people in this whole debacle, are supposed to find love together, but whether or not they do becomes increasing­ly unimportan­t. This crime spree may have style to spare, but that’s about all that’s holding it together. “Carter & June.” Not rated. Running time: 1 hour, 27 minutes. Playing: AMC Sunset 5, West Hollywood.

 ?? Shane Carpenter Freestyle Digital Media ?? JUNE (Samaire Armstrong) and Carter (Michael Raymond-James) adore each other. Viewers won’t.
Shane Carpenter Freestyle Digital Media JUNE (Samaire Armstrong) and Carter (Michael Raymond-James) adore each other. Viewers won’t.

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