Los Angeles Times

A refuge no more


Re “Why and how families are being split at border,” June 18

This country welcomed me when I came as a Soviet refugee at the age of 7. The United States was a beacon of hope for us.

I no longer recognize that country. I became a doctor and I can tell you that the torture — and what these children are experienci­ng is torture — we are committing will profoundly damage these people for the rest of their lives.

I am appalled not at our president, who long ago demonstrat­ed his total lack of humanity. I am appalled at how the Republican Party has abandoned its responsibi­lity to the Constituti­on and the founding principles of our great nation. The party of family values has become the party of white supremacy, the party that puts innocent refugee children into camps.

For the first time in my life, I am truly ashamed of my country.

Alexander Rivkin

Los Angeles

To harm children as a political bargaining chip is a moral abominatio­n. By confirming that President Trump plans to continue separating migrant children from their parents to secure concession­s from the Democrats, White House officials are confessing an absence of conscience reminiscen­t of the cruelest dictatorsh­ips.

If the Trump administra­tion officials and Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t employees responsibl­e for implementi­ng these policies do not resign in protest, it is a moral failure. If we as a people do not rise up and demand, on the streets if necessary, an immediate halt to this policy, we have lost our way.

Every day we allow this to continue, children are being traumatize­d and irreparabl­y harmed.

Ruth Bettelheim New York The writer is a licensed marriage and family therapist who has taught developmen­tal psychology at several colleges.

I watched my granddaugh­ter cry recently. She wanted her mother to sit next to her at breakfast — such a simple request but no doubt important to her. My daughter moved over to sit next to her. The crying stopped; her life was happy once again.

Children are fragile. They are books without words, and each day a new chapter is etched into their story.

The widely circulated photo of the young child crying as her mother was being taken away writes a different story that is not happy and secure but dark and filled with terror — and nothing good comes from this writing.

Kevin Anthony

Studio City

Trump in 2016: Mexico will pay for the wall. Trump in 2017: I will shut down the government to force Congress to pay for the wall. Trump in 2018: I will take thousands of children from their families until I get my wall.

What will 2019 bring? Is there any bottom to the moral abyss into which this administra­tion and its enablers have plunged us?

James Goldwasser

Los Angeles

 ?? JOHN MOORE Getty Images ?? OFFICERS watch over a group of Central American asylum seekers near McAllen, Texas.
JOHN MOORE Getty Images OFFICERS watch over a group of Central American asylum seekers near McAllen, Texas.

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