Los Angeles Times

Considerin­g the legal road ahead

What’s the legal outlook for Trump after being implicated in crimes?

- By Matt Pearce matt.pearce@latimes.com

Recent developmen­ts raise new questions of law and politics related to the president’s predicamen­t.

President Trump’s future is in peril like never before — and it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Russia.

On Tuesday, Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to breaking federal campaign finance law by paying hush money to two women who said they’d had affairs with Trump. Cohen failed to report the payments as de facto political contributi­ons in support of Trump’s campaign.

The allegation­s that Trump had extramarit­al affairs weren’t the news. The bombshell came when Cohen, after taking a plea deal from prosecutor­s, testified under oath that he broke the law “at the direction” of Trump “for the principal purpose of influencin­g the election.”

To sum it up bluntly: Cohen was calling the president of the United States a crook who told him to commit a felony and a cover-up to help get him into the Oval Office.

If Trump were a congressma­n instead of the president, he might be under indictment right now, said Jessica Levinson, a professor at Loyola Law School.

Yet Trump, who has denied any wrongdoing, probably won’t be facing any criminal charges, at least while he’s still president.

Here are answers to some of the legal and political questions surroundin­g Trump’s predicamen­t.

Can the president be indicted? That’s up for debate. “The question has been posed, but never in a court,” said Neil Kinkopf, a professor of law at Georgia State University.

The issue has roiled legal observers since at least the 1970s, when President Nixon came under fire for his role in the Watergate scandal. It arose again in the 1990s in the investigat­ion of President Clinton for various alleged impropriet­ies.

Now the question is back as special counsel Robert S. Mueller III examines whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in its hacking and other attempts to interfere with the 2016 election. Mueller’s mandate allows him to pursue other criminal activity he discovers in the course of his investigat­ion.

The Department of Justice’s long-standing guidance to its prosecutor­s has held that presidents shouldn’t be indicted while in office, an opinion it first formed in 1973 amid Watergate.

Some legal experts, including Trump’s latest Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, have argued that a president should not be burdened by criminal charges or lawsuits while in office due to the extraordin­ary demands of the presidency.

Others have argued that having unelected prosecutor­s or jurors undertake a criminal case that could effectivel­y remove a president from office would steal an important power that the Constituti­on entrusts to Congress — impeachmen­t.

Yet these are just theories. They haven’t been tested.

“There’s nothing in the Constituti­on that says you can’t indict the president,” Levinson said.

Kinkopf added that whether a president can be indicted while in office, and whether a president can be prosecuted while in office, are actually separate questions that might have separate answers. He suggested that a grand jury, after being presented with evidence that a president committed a crime, could file an indictment, but that prosecutor­s would hold off until the president leaves office.

The problem with making a grand jury wait for a president to leave office before filing an indictment is that the statute of limitation­s might run out before the president’s four-year presidenti­al term ends, Kinkopf said.

In that situation, he said, “The president escapes any kind of criminal liability, and the president in that way is in some sense above the law.”

Can the president be impeached for something that happened before he took office? Yes. Impeachmen­t is the process laid out in the Constituti­on under which a majority of House of Representa­tives members can vote to investigat­e a president, after which a trial is held in the Senate, where a two-thirds majority vote can result in the president’s removal from office.

Congress’ impeachmen­t powers are broad because the Constituti­on’s definition of impeachabl­e offenses includes “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeano­rs.” What are “high crimes and misdemeano­rs”? It’s not defined in the Constituti­on.

Or, as Levinson put it: “Impeachmen­t is, like, whatever Congress decides it is.”

However, Kinkopf said, the “primary check” on the justness of impeachmen­t is the two-thirds approval requiremen­t of the Senate, rather than a strict legal definition.

Could Trump pardon Cohen and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort if they turn against him and help prosecutor­s? Yes. “As long as Donald Trump is president, he can issue Manafort or Cohen a pardon for federal crimes, period, full stop, for any reason,” Kinkopf said. “He could announce to the nation that Paul Manafort paid him for a pardon and then issue that pardon. The pardon would still be effective.”

Doing so could have dire political consequenc­es, including impeachmen­t, Kinkopf said. But “there is no mechanism by which that pardon can be rendered invalid,” he said.

Trump’s pardon power is limited to federal charges. Cohen and Manafort “could be facing state crimes, and he has no pardon authority for state crimes,” Levinson said.

What’s at stake with this year’s midterm election?

Possibly Trump’s future. Trump’s executive powers aren’t infinite, even if a president might not be indictable while in office.

Congressio­nal Republican­s — who hold majorities in both the Senate and the House — have largely stuck behind Trump through the stormy days of his presidency and have expressed little interest in his removal. But if Democrats were to take control of the House, they could launch impeachmen­t proceeding­s with a majority vote.

Cohen’s claims against Trump “directly implicate the election and the validity of the election, and so I do think those could be impeachabl­e offenses,” Levinson said.

Getting two-thirds of the Senate to approve removing Trump from office, however, would likely require Republican­s to support Trump’s removal, Levinson said.

“I think it’s really depressing that we’re having to talk about this along party lines,” Levinson said. “If the president is really guilty of violating federal law in at least one area or more, it should haven’t to do with whether you have a D or an R next to your name — but of course it does.”

 ?? AFP/Getty Images ?? THE GUILTY PLEA of his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, left, and conviction of former campaign chair Paul Manafort, right, have serious implicatio­ns for Trump.
AFP/Getty Images THE GUILTY PLEA of his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, left, and conviction of former campaign chair Paul Manafort, right, have serious implicatio­ns for Trump.

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