Los Angeles Times

Student hates high school

- Send questions to askamy@amydickins­on.com or by mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.

Dear Amy: I’m entering my second year of high school. I’m a straight-A student and plan to graduate in my junior year.

My problem is, I hate school. I don’t have any close friends my age, I feel trapped and hopeless every time I even think of school. I hate the thought of textbook work, exams and everything about school. Summer is ending, and every time I think of going back I feel so hopeless and depressed.

Countless times I’ve thought about dropping out, but I know that would make my future much more of a struggle.

I just lost my only close friend, and I have marching band to make things more stressful.

Do you have any suggestion­s on how to make school more tolerable — or any ideas about other ways to get a diploma without being in a physical school? Desperate

Dear Desperate: You sound like a talented student, and you might do better taking some classes at your local community college, or through online courses, versus spending all day at your high school this semester. Attending part time as you supplement your education in other ways is something to explore with your parents and your academic guidance counselor at school. They might suggest starting out the school year, and waiting to see how things go for you once school is underway. I hope you will keep up with your marching band commitment­s — or other school-based activities — as a way to stay connected with other kids and adults in a non-academic environmen­t.

The loss of your only close friend leaves a very big hole in your life, and it is natural for you to feel very sad, depressed and anxious about returning to school. If you find these feelings continue to derail you (or get worse) and you lose sleep or have trouble eating or concentrat­ing, please tell an adult and ask for help.

The Crisis Text Line is available for anyone in crisis. You simply send a text and are immediatel­y connected with a counselor.

Add this number to the contacts list in your phone: 741-741 (I have it in mine).

Dear Amy: I’ve been dating my boyfriend for two years now.

I am one of four daughters, and my sister is currently planning her wedding for November. It has been a yearlong stressful period for everyone in the family.

I am constantly asked how I’d like my future wedding to be, and my answer is always “stress free.”

I don’t want anyone there except my dogs and my future groom.

Each time I respond in this way, I’m given the stink eye and basically labeled selfish for imagining a wedding that does not include my friends and family.

I mean no disrespect to any of my loved ones, but I also don’t want to plan an event I can’t get behind.

Am I truly being selfish for wanting a low-key day? Someday Bride

Dear Someday Bride: If you are old and mature enough to promise to be with another person for the rest of your life, then you are old and mature enough to handle whatever opinions others have about the way you choose to do it.

Elopement is a legitimate choice. You have the right (and the duty) to take responsibi­lity for your own wedding.

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