Los Angeles Times

‘Colorism’ among Latinos


Re “Dark-skinned Latinos see deeper shade of bias,” Nov. 23

The article about the “colorism” directed at darker-skinned Latinos, whites and Native Americans reflects that racism exists not only among whites.

As a Latino of Mexican descent, I have witnessed this baffling behavior. The ugly truth is that many Latinos have internaliz­ed the view that light hair and skin tone are inherently preferable. As if such an albatross conferred by birth weren’t burden enough, the current tone set by a bigoted president emboldens those who view darker-skinned people as second-class humans.

Imagine the feeling, while taking a leisurely stroll with your wife and children, of being told to “go back to where you came from.” For someone like me, whose family has been in California for almost 125 years, such invective is confoundin­g and demoralizi­ng.

Latinos need to ask themselves if they contribute, through the behaviors and attitudes described in the article, to a toxic culture where opportunit­y and well-being are circumscri­bed by the shade of your skin. Agustin Medina

South Pasadena

This is not news — this bias has been going on for decades.

As a retired teacher who worked in South Los Angeles, I remember a conversati­on with a group of African American women decades ago. They were all lighter shades and they told me if any of them brought home a dark-shaded man and introduced him to their parents, there would be hell to pay.

I remember how shocked I was at the time to hear that.

So, it’s just nonsense to pin these feelings on President Trump or any of his followers. These biases have been present for many years. Jeff Whitfield

Santa Ana

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