Los Angeles Times

Hong Kong bill declared ‘dead’

Top official says the extraditio­n legislatio­n is off the table, but foes aren’t satisfied.

- By Alice Su

BEIJING — Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced Tuesday that an extraditio­n bill that brought millions of protesters into the streets is now “dead.”

The bill would have allowed suspected criminals to be deported to China for trial, which protesters fear would threaten rule of law and freedom of speech in Hong Kong. Backlash against the bill has morphed into a broader pro-democracy movement to counter Beijing’s growing control over the Chinese territory.

“There are still lingering doubts about the government’s sincerity or worries whether the government will restart the process” in the Legislativ­e Council, Lam said at a news conference. “I reiterate here that there is no such plan. The bill is dead.”

Still, she did not use the word “withdraw,” which has been the foremost demand of protesters since the government suspended the bill in mid-June.

To skeptics, that left open the possibilit­y that the bill might be raised again during her government’s term, which runs until June 2022.

“The proper way for Mrs. Lam to ‘kill’ the bill is to invoke article 64 of the Rules and Procedures, to FORMALLY WITHDRAW the bill,” tweeted Joshua Wong, the student activist recently released from prison. “However, she fully IGNORE this procedure in her speech,” Wong wrote.

The Civil Human Rights Front, which helped organize the protests, said Lam’s statement failed to address protesters’ demands. “Dead” is not a term in any of Hong Kong ’s legal texts, said the front’s vice convener, Bonnie Lam.

The front said it would continue to hold protests in coming weeks.

The month of mass protests sparked by the bill were among the largest ever seen in the former British colony. More than a quarter of its 7.4 million residents participat­ed, according to protest organizers’ counts.

Police have given lower estimates.

On several occasions, clashes broke out between police and demonstrat­ors, with police firing tear gas and rubber bullets. Last week, several hundred protesters broke into the legislativ­e complex and vandalized its inner chamber.

More than 70 protesters, some as young as 14, have been arrested on charges including unlawful assembly, possession of weapons, obstructio­n and assault of police, and disorderly conduct in a public place.

Four protesters have killed themselves in recent weeks, each leaving behind a message related to the extraditio­n bill.

In addition to demanding the bill be withdrawn, protesters have also called on Lam to resign and the government to stop labeling protests as “riots,” unconditio­nally release everybody arrested in connection with protests and launch an independen­t investigat­ion into what they believe was an abuse of power by police.

Lam said the government had not given a label to the protests, that granting amnesty to arrested protesters would violate the rule of law, and that the Independen­t Police Complaints Council was setting up a “fact-finding study” on the protests.

Critics say the council, whose members are appointed by the chief executive, is not independen­t and may take a pro-Beijing stance.

Andrew Li Kwok-nang, Hong Kong’s first chief justice, wrote in an op-ed Tuesday that a commission of inquiry led by a judge would be a better venue for “ascertaini­ng the truth.”

“It is deemed to be a judicial proceeding,” he wrote. “Its hearings are open and the public and media can attend. It can summon witnesses. Evidence is given under oath and covered by absolute privilege.

“Allegation­s and grievances will be aired and explored in open public hearings. This would have a therapeuti­c effect for society and would assist in the process of reconcilia­tion.”

Last week, two university student unions rejected invitation­s from Lam to hold closed-door discussion­s, saying that it seemed like a “public relations stunt” and that Lam should address the protesters’ demands first.

Lam said Tuesday that she was willing to participat­e in open, public dialogue with university students, but without prerequisi­tes.

 ?? Anthony Kwan Getty Images ?? PROTESTERS take part in a demonstrat­ion Sunday in Hong Kong over the extraditio­n bill, which set off a month of mass protests.
Anthony Kwan Getty Images PROTESTERS take part in a demonstrat­ion Sunday in Hong Kong over the extraditio­n bill, which set off a month of mass protests.
 ?? Vivek Prakash EPA/Shuttersto­ck ?? HONG KONG Chief Executive Carrie Lam said, “The bill is dead,” but she did not use the word “withdraw,” which has been the foremost demand of protesters.
Vivek Prakash EPA/Shuttersto­ck HONG KONG Chief Executive Carrie Lam said, “The bill is dead,” but she did not use the word “withdraw,” which has been the foremost demand of protesters.

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