Los Angeles Times

Trump mixes signals on new gun laws

- By Eli Stokols

WASHINGTON — Five days after 31 people were killed in two mass shootings, President Trump has sounded authoritat­ive in promising to do “something big” to expand gun safety laws — but his words are riddled with enough ambiguity to warrant questions about his intent to follow through.

Before he left the White House on Wednesday to meet victims and first responders in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Trump told reporters “there is no political appetite” for a ban on assault-style weapons, which were used in the massacres.

But, he went on, expanding background checks for gun purchases and transfers may be a different story. He has asked his lawyers what he could achieve on gun safety through an executive order in case Congress does not act when it returns from recess in September.

“There’s a great appetite — and I mean a very strong appetite — for background checks,” Trump said. “And I think we can bring up background checks like we’ve never had before. I think both Republican and Democrat are getting close to a bill on — they’re doing something on background checks.”

The president has defined an end goal — keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill — in broad terms, seemingly conflating background checks and socalled red-flag laws in a way so that either could be defined as an accomplish­ment.

“I’m looking to do background checks,” he said. “I think background checks are important. I don’t want to put guns into the hands of mentally unstable people or people with rage or hate, sick people.”

But Trump’s optimism does not seem to align with Washington’s static political reality. While opinion polls show that expanding background checks is broadly popular, a majority of Republican lawmakers oppose it, complicati­ng the passage of legislatio­n by a deeply divided Congress.

The president appears sincere about wanting to expand background checks on all gun purchases, seeing the opportunit­y for another Rose Garden signing ceremony celebratin­g a signature accomplish­ment. He has conveyed as much to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the leadership of the National Rifle Assn., according to two people familiar with his thinking.

But he has said that before, raising the hopes of gun safety advocates, only to back off.

Trump offered support for expanding background checks after a gunman with a semiautoma­tic rifle killed 17 students and staff members at a high school in Parkland, Fla., in February 2018. But he quickly abandoned the idea after the NRA reacted negatively.

Now, as he restates his willingnes­s to accept universal background checks, he is painting with a broad rhetorical brush and leaving himself plenty of wiggle room for proposals that would achieve far less.

He has stopped short of endorsing a proposed bill to expand background checks on gun sales across the country, although he spoke this week with both cosponsors, Sens. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) and Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.). The bipartisan legislatio­n failed to pass the Senate in 2013.

The NRA opposes the Manchin-Toomey bill, and the organizati­on’s chief executive, Wayne LaPierre, has made that clear to the president in recent days, according to a person familiar with recent conversati­ons.

Twenty-one states now require some level of background checks, including 12 that have passed universal background check measures. But 29 states require none.

After the weekend shootings, Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) announced bipartisan legislatio­n that would create a federal grant program to encourage states to adopt “red flag” laws, which allow courts to temporaril­y bar individual­s from possessing guns based on some showing of imminent danger or a risk of misuse.

At least 17 states and the District of Columbia have adopted such laws.

A 10-year ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, passed in 1994 as part of a Clinton administra­tion crime bill, included a sunset provision that allowed the ban to expire in 2004. Studies show mixed results in assessing the ban’s effectiven­ess at reducing deaths from mass shootings.

In a tweet this week, Trump floated the idea of tying an expansion of gun restrictio­ns to his demands for stricter immigratio­n laws. Since both issues are politicall­y explosive, some aides have tried to scuttle the idea, but the president still sees it as a long-shot possibilit­y.

Ultimately, if the NRA or Senate Republican­s give ground and support an expansion of background checks, Trump will need to persuade them to do so by providing enough political pressure and political cover.

The president, always wary of upsetting his base of ardent supporters, may be loath to spend his political capital to try to change longheld conservati­ve orthodoxy on the 2nd Amendment, especially as he’s beginning a difficult reelection campaign.

“If he’s serious, he will get on the phone with Mitch McConnell and demand that the Senate comes back from recess and votes on legislatio­n that’s being drafted,” said Shannon Watts, a cofounder of Everytown for Gun Safety, an advocacy group. “If they continue sitting on their hands, there will be hell to pay in the ... 2020 elections.”

Amid a seemingly endless epidemic of gun violence in America, public opinion appears to be gradually shifting toward stricter gun laws.

According to a Quinnipiac University poll released in May, 94% of U.S. voters support requiring background checks for all gun buyers, as do 90% of gun owners.

Overall, 60% of voters support stricter gun laws in general — but a majority of Republican­s still do not.

“If those polls are true, if 90% of gun owners support background checks, those are Trump voters too,” Watts said. “There isn’t a parent in this country right now who isn’t afraid that their child will be next, and that’s among Democrats and Republican­s alike.”

 ?? Mario Tama Getty Images ?? PALLBEARER­S wheel El Paso victim Elsa Mendoza Marquez’s casket to Mass in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, on Thursday. President Trump sometimes indicates he’s open to more background checks for gun purchases.
Mario Tama Getty Images PALLBEARER­S wheel El Paso victim Elsa Mendoza Marquez’s casket to Mass in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, on Thursday. President Trump sometimes indicates he’s open to more background checks for gun purchases.

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