Los Angeles Times

Buy Greenland? Solvang laughs

In Solvang, Trump’s plan to buy Greenland elicits chuckles and shrugs from tourists and locals alike

- By Hailey Branson-Potts

In California’s Danish enclave, presidenti­al tweets elicit a collective skuldertra­ek ,or shrug.

SOLVANG, Calif. — After posing for photos with her family by a statue of Danish fairy-tale writer Hans Christian Andersen, Kat Grant pondered what President Trump could do with Greenland, should he buy the icy island from Denmark.

He could put some condos there, said Grant, 38, from Culver City. Maybe slap a catchy new logo on Greenland merchandis­e.

“People would wear green hats instead of red hats,” she said. “Make Greenland Green Again!”

The thought made her, and just about everyone else, laugh. But Trump was not joking.

This weekend, the president confirmed reports that he was, in fact, dead serious about buying Greenland, an autonomous territory that is part of the Kingdom of Denmark. Trump likened it to “a large real estate deal.”

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederikse­n called the idea “absurd,” prompting the president to announce via tweet Tuesday that he was postponing a planned visit to Copenhagen next month, even though Denmark is “a very special country.”

By Wednesday, Trump was telling reporters that Frederikse­n’s comments were “nasty” and tweeting digs at the Danes.

In California’s closest thing to a Scandinavi­an outpost — Solvang, the self-declared Danish Capital of America — the situation elicited a collective skuldertra­ek. (That’s “shrug” in Danish.)

Here, storefront fliers advertised trips to Denmark as the coveted raff le prize in the town’s upcoming Danish Days celebratio­n, not as something to be nixed by tweet.

At Solvang Restaurant, where servers crisscross­ed the dining room floor with plates of aebleskive­rs smothered with raspberry jam and powdered sugar, a woman working the counter blinked bemusedly at a Times reporter who asked if she’d heard about Trump wanting to buy Greenland.

“The country?” she asked.

“Um ... OK? He’s using his own money, right?”

Two doors down, Iron Art Gift Shop displayed Vikingthem­ed trinkets, ornate wooden clocks, coffee mugs that said HYGGE and books with titles like “Laughing With Lutherans” and “Xenophobe’s Guide to the Danes.”

A cashier named Irene — who declined to give her last name because “I don’t want a Twitter from him saying ‘Irene’s an idiot’ ” — said the Greenland gambit left her scratching her head.

“My first thought was, Why? It would be so pointless. And the golf ’s not good there.”

(The craggy nine-hole golf course in Greenland’s capital city, Nuuk, is open only a few months a year, when it’s not covered in snow.)

Would there be a Solvang in an American-owned Greenland?

“That would be redundant,” Irene said. “He’d just put up a casino and call it Trumpland or something.”

Walking near the Mole Hole gift shop, Blanca Alvarez, 43, of Rancho Cucamonga said of Trump’s Greenland musings: “It’s not the silliest thing he’s said.”

That distinctio­n, Alvarez said, would probably go to the president’s claims that global warming is a hoax. She wondered if maybe now that Greenland’s glaciers are melting at what scientists say is an alarming rate, Trump thinks he can develop the country, some 80% of which is covered by an ice sheet.

Trump was returning from his New Jersey golf course Sunday when he told reporters that owning Greenland “would be nice,” though “it’s not number one on the burner.”

On its official website, the government of Greenland posted a statement: “Of course, Greenland is not for sale.” Pernille Skipper, a member of the Danish parliament for the leftwing Red-Green Alliance, tweeted that “Trump lives on another planet. Selfservin­g and disrespect­ful.”

Søren Espersen, a member of parliament for the populist right-wing Danish People’s Party, told the Danish newspaper Politiken that Trump was acting like a “spoiled child.”

Copenhagen still sets Greenland’s foreign and defense policies, but the territory of 56,000 people has its own parliament and controls most of its domestic affairs. In 1946, President Truman’s administra­tion offered $100 million in gold to Denmark to purchase the island.

Denmark refused but agreed in 1951 to let the U.S. build Thule Air Base, the military’s northernmo­st installati­on, some 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle.

Back in Solvang, Ellie Shaw and her friend Jeanne Rogers had just crawled atop a giant red clog on Copenhagen Drive when they laughed at Trump’s overture. The women, from the Lake District in northwest England, were road-tripping from Dallas to San Francisco and initially thought TV news reports about Trump wanting to buy Greenland were satire.

“It’s like a reality show, ‘Keeping Up With the Trumps on E!’ ” said Shaw, 29.

“Oh my godddd,” said Rogers, 40, when shown a tweet that Trump posted Monday with an altered image of a small Greenland town with a giant, gold Trump tower plunked down in the middle of it.

“I promise not to do this to Greenland!” Trump wrote.

Strolling past chocolatie­rs and wine tasting rooms, Britt and Tom Anderson of Santa Clarita said Trump’s Greenland ordeal is the sort of thing that makes Britt’s family in her native Sweden questions what is going on in the U.S.

The couple enjoy Solvang’s Scandinavi­an influence. The Santa Barbara County town was founded in 1911 by three Danish immigrants. After the Nazi occupation of Denmark in the 1940s, Solvang decided it should celebrate and promote Danish culture and gave its streets Danish names, built windmills and started putting up thatched-roof buildings.

Today, California claims more Danes, both foreignbor­n and of Danish descent, than anywhere else in the U.S.

“I think it’d be a good idea for Denmark to buy the U.S.,” Britt Anderson, 72, said.

“Then he could be an official king!” Tom Anderson, 75, said of Trump.

Noting Greenland’s disappeari­ng ice, he added: “It might be Brownland before long.”

At Elna’s Dress Shop, where there were 77-year-old handmade Danish costumes for sale, owner Sue Manning mused that at least Greenland would be a good cold-weather market for wool clothing.

“I think it’s a way of letting out tension from the stock market doing what it’s doing,” said Manning, 79. “It’s a silly thing. It gives us something else to talk about.”

Eating aebleskive­rs on a park bench as opportunis­tic bees hummed beside them, Mary Blair and Jordan Preston of Los Angeles said buying Greenland was a good idea and that the U.S. would improve its economy and boost tourism.

“It’s a beautiful country,” said Blair, 54. “If nothing else, it makes us appreciate Greenland. I’d love to visit.”

Wearing a Trump 2020 Tshirt and a Vietnam veteran hat, Tony Da Costa said the U.S. could benefit from the precious minerals buried in the land there and that buying the island is much better than the historical route of going to war over territory. He said people who were offended by Trump’s proposal “need to get a life.”

“If he can make a deal, why not?” asked the 68-yearold retired general contractor from Oxnard.

“Don’t forget, Trump is a real estate investor. Even though he’s the president and he’s busy doing other things, you get sidetracke­d into your profession. People are in their comfort zone with things they know like the back of their hand.”

But buying Greenland? That seems highly usandsynli­g. (That’s Danish for unlikely.)

 ?? Myung J. Chun Los Angeles Times ?? STORE owner Sue Manning joked that Greenland would be a good cold-weather market for wool clothing. Her Solvang shop sells handmade Danish costumes.
Myung J. Chun Los Angeles Times STORE owner Sue Manning joked that Greenland would be a good cold-weather market for wool clothing. Her Solvang shop sells handmade Danish costumes.
 ?? Myung J. Chun Los Angeles Times ?? SOLVANG was founded in 1911 by three Danish immigrants, and the town reflects their heritage. Today, California claims more Danes, both foreign-born and of Danish descent, than anywhere else in the U.S.
Myung J. Chun Los Angeles Times SOLVANG was founded in 1911 by three Danish immigrants, and the town reflects their heritage. Today, California claims more Danes, both foreign-born and of Danish descent, than anywhere else in the U.S.

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