Los Angeles Times

Beware an ethnic studies backlash

Re “Ethnic studies to get another look,” Aug. 18


Reading articles on California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum is very much a “been there, done that” experience for me.

Nearly half a century back, I developed a philosophy course at Pierce College that we labeled “ethnic value systems.” It ran for three semesters, and while most who took it were appreciati­ve of the chance it gave for a more candid look at how we all saw each other, for some it only intensifie­d a sense of resentment.

If the intent of any such course, as reported by the L.A. Times, is to “decenter … the privileged white narrative of the American experience,” it risks becoming an exercise in shaming. This ignores what we know about the most common reaction to cognitive dissonance — that of rationaliz­ation.

I personally doubt that any one required course in ethnic studies will make the kind of difference its supporters hope. Learning to appreciate our American experience in its totality, beginning with the brutality toward our own indigenous peoples as well as our shameful approach to the “peculiar institutio­n” of slavery, needs to be something that is built into the curriculum at all levels. Douglass McFerran

Woodland Hills

It is commendabl­e that the proposed California ethnic studies program will be getting another look after thousands of public comments.

Along the same line, there should be a women’s studies section added to the curriculum.

On college campuses, courses in women’s studies were part of the curriculum for the last 40 years. Recently, however, women’s studies has been subsumed under the category of “gender studies.” This is not to say that there shouldn’t be gender studies, but when you have half of the world’s population subsumed under anything, that’s problemati­c and wrong.

Where will our women’s history, culture and struggles for equality be taught? Suzanne Roth


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