Los Angeles Times

A ‘gag rule’ overreacti­on

Re “A setback for help with birth control,” Aug. 20


I worry that Planned Parenthood is risking the lives of millions of women for the sake of principle by refusing federal Title X funds over the Trump administra­tion’s abortion “gag rule.”

Abortion informatio­n and referrals are important, but if, as Planned Parenthood claims, they are a small percentage of the total services provided, why throw the baby out

with the bath water?

Why couldn’t Planned Parenthood keep Title X funding and abide by the gag rule temporaril­y, in the hope that the 2020 election will result in a new, more compassion­ate and reasonable administra­tion that will overturn this wrongful action?

I fear that Planned Parenthood’s withdrawal from a Title X program will do just what Trump and his supporters want: eliminate the organizati­on altogether. Donna Greenbush


Let’s see if I have this straight.

The federal government is restrictin­g all medical providers who receive Title X funding from referring a patient or talking about referring a patient for a legal procedure, guaranteed by law and based on a constituti­onal amendment. At the same time the government is inhibiting medical providers’ constituti­onal right to free speech.

In addition, the federal government is throwing medical providers under the bus by blaming them for their failure to provide services for these same patients, calling it a “choice.” In my opinion, the blame for loss of service to 5 million women who rely on Title X programs lies directly at the feet of the government.

This tactic, withholdin­g funds using the same basis, was tried in Texas. Guess what? The rate of unintended pregnancie­s went up significan­tly, as did abortions. Julia Springer

Santa Barbara

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