Los Angeles Times

Pick Warren, reelect Trump?


Re “The Democrats’ electabili­ty trap,” Opinion, Sept. 15

Robin Abcarian is dead wrong in her enthusiast­ic endorsemen­t of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) for president. Electabili­ty does matter, and Medicare for all will turn off many voters and fire up President Trump’s base.

Americans like having choices. As a teacher for 30 years, I loved my insurance. I am on Medicare now, and it is good for me, but I am embarrasse­d at how little my doctors are paid for their service. I also pay for supplement­al insurance, and my premiums go up every two years.

The Democrats need a candidate who is not too extreme and considers the whole party. Another Trump presidency will be the end of everything as we know it. With Warren or Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) as the nominee, Trump will prevail.

Big ideas are great, but as President Obama can confirm, the legislativ­e branch will stop you. Polls say Warren and Sanders can beat Trump, but polls also said Trump would never win. Deborah Wright

Rancho Santa Margarita

If Warren, who has proved herself knowledgea­ble and prepared, is unelectabl­e, then this country will not be a democratic republic much longer.

It will become a dictatorsh­ip. Larry Severson Fountain Valley

Abcarian says Warren is the standout Democratic candidate. She mentions the several other candidates and includes details of Warren’s proposals.

Abcarian believes Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) is too cautious. This confirms my thinking that the senator from Minnesota would be the candidate Trump fears debating the most. Clive Soden Corona del Mar

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