Los Angeles Times

Keep them out


BY CATHARINE HAMM >>> Of course you locked the door when you left the house. Forgetting to do that is an open invitation to burglars, especially at the holidays when the pickings may be even better. ¶ Maybe you’d better check it twice, no matter what time of year. Nearly two-thirds of burglaries are the considerab­le downside of forgetting to take that step and others. Some methods of protecting your home are simple, others involve technology, but in combinatio­n, they can reduce chances of a break-in. ¶ Think of your home as an onion, said Det. Richard Lee of the South Pasadena Police Department: It needs to have layers of protection. ¶ Lee, a crime prevention officer, and the Automobile Club of Southern California were part of a recent effort to raise awareness of such crimes and reduce their incidence. They suggested some high-tech, low-tech and no-tech ways to create a barrier between you and the bad guys. Among their suggestion­s:

Put a home security sign in your front yard. You may not have a security system, but the mere presence of a sign in the yard will deter up to 90% of would-be thieves, Lee said.

Consider technology. A home

alarm system ratchets up your security quotient, but you must remember to “arm” it, which people sometimes forget to do, Lee said.

Video doorbells can help as well. After acquiring and installing one,

you don’t have to do anything to reap the benefits; movements are recorded automatica­lly. Many come with a social media component that can alert you to potential problems around the neighborho­od.

After recent reports of hacking

of the Ring doorbell, the company has recommende­d adding twofactor authentica­tion, which provides “another piece of informatio­n besides a password.” Go to bit.ly/ring2facto­r.

Here’s something that requires no investment: getting to know your neighbors and getting active in Neighborho­od Watch.

Invest in a little bit of hardware. A strike plate on the front door makes it harder to open. Locks on sliding windows or doors or a dowel in the “track” of the slider can keep thieves out.

Man’s best friend can also be man’s best burglar deterrent. Barking dogs may be annoying, but they also can be the thing that prompts thieves to go elsewhere.

It’s time (maybe past time) to move those Christmas presents out from under the living room tree, especially if it’s near a window, and keep them out of sight.

Good lighting keeps your house merry and bright all year. Motion detector lights, including those powered by solar, can discourage intruders from choosing your home. You probably have lighting at the front of your house, but don’t neglect the back.

Lock the gate or entrances to the back of your house. Burglars aren’t going to risk being seen from the street, so they’ll stage a burglary out of sight of neighbors.

Don’t unwittingl­y let your landscapin­g provide a hiding spot. Keep shrubs and bushes lower to the ground or select vegetation with thorns or spines: rose bushes, cactus, bougainvil­lea. Popular Mechanics has a list of “nine plants that will mess you up” (bit.ly/ouchplants).

Don’t signal to the world that you’re not home. If you’re on vacation, stop your mail and your newspaper. You also can call UPS or FedEx to request that any packages be held. And don’t post on social media that you’re away from the house, even if it’s just for a night out. Wait until you’re home.

Finally, be mindful and aware. Our daily routines become so automatic we don’t always concentrat­e on making sure we’ve taken all the precaution­s. And that includes locking the doors.

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Patrick Strattner Getty Images

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