Los Angeles Times

Panicked parents get boost in O.C.

Costa Mesa learning center shifts gears to help families get food and other necessitie­s.

- BY FAITH E. PINHO Pinho writes for Times Community News.

Emeteria Hernandez walked through the empty supermarke­t aisles, hunting for food, hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes for her family. Nothing. The month-old memory still brings tears to her eyes.

“I thought the world was going to end,” the 41-year-old cook said in Spanish. “And I didn’t have food for my [three] kids.”

That afternoon, she received a call from Myrna Zornoza, an educator at the Shalimar Learning Center, the Costa Mesa-based founding facility of the nonprofit organizati­on Think Together.

“What do you need?” asked “Ms. Myrna,” as Hernandez affectiona­tely calls her, after two years of attending Think Together’s parenting classes while her son Jeremy went to afterschoo­l teen classes.

Soon, Hernandez received the first bins from Think Together, filled with food, sanitizer and soap. The next week, more food came. Then more food, soap, toothpaste and $100 gift cards.

In the age of the coronaviru­s, organizati­ons that offered one kind of service — such as Think Together’s educationa­l programs after school and during the summer — have found themselves pivoting to serve the ever-changing requests of an increasing­ly needy population.

The Shalimar Learning Center had just hit 25 years of offering educationa­l services to about 120 families in its predominan­tly Latino and low-income neighborho­od in Westside Costa Mesa, called Shalimar.

The center, which operates out of an apartment in Shalimar, was the go-to after-school place for nearly 250 neighborho­od children whose parents worked multiple jobs.

At various points, it also provided translatio­n services for families, as well as all-around academic support and college and career guidance.

But then the coronaviru­s blew through, decimating the jobs of 100% of the center’s participat­ing parents.

“Just all of a sudden, boom, they’re done,” said Randy Barth, Think Together’s chief executive.

At Shalimar, he said, many of the parents were hourly workers — housekeepe­rs, gardeners, restaurant and hotel workers — without severance benefits. Some were undocument­ed and, at the time, ineligible for federal stimulus aid.

Without jobs or with severely reduced hours, parents didn’t have enough gas to drive to their children’s schools to pick up meals. Cell phone and internet bills went unpaid — and with them, the ability to participat­e in online learning.

Hernandez went from cooking five days a week at a pizzeria in Costa Mesa to just nine hours a week. Her husband was let go from his day job cooking at a restaurant in Newport Beach. The family began relying solely on his evening job, which brought in 25 paid hours a week — and on Think Together.

“What everybody was talking about was, ‘We’re so scared, what are we going to do?’ ” said Melissa Arambula, 35, family and community coordinato­r for Shalimar Learning Center. “A lot of that came from having food on their table. They were all losing their jobs. It was just a lot.

“We immediatel­y started transition,” she added. “Academic support can wait; we need to meet basic needs right now.”

The center is accepting donations for basic food items, such as milk, eggs, bread and tortillas, as well as nonperisha­ble items.

It has also set up a relief fund to finance the $100 debit cards that families get every week to help cover basic necessitie­s such as groceries or gas.

Individual giving has ticked upward, said to Darcie Schott, Think Together’s director of philanthro­py, as have company matching donations.

Now that the initial shock has passed, the center continues to expand its offerings to help families in other ways, such as supplying supplies for STEM and arts lessons for home learning, flushing out a distancele­arning after-school option and translatin­g informatio­n from the city and district schools.

Perhaps now more than ever, Hernandez draws on Zornoza’s parenting lessons.

“Every time I feel like I’m going to fall into depression, I remember all the words that they’ve taught me,” she said. “To always try and stay positive. To be strong in every moment. To try to make it through the difficult times that come our way in life.”

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