Los Angeles Times

Millions risk evictions as states end moratorium­s

Experts worry that the problem will worsen amid job losses and uncertaint­y over aid.

- Associated press

BALTIMORE — Kelyn Yanez used to clean homes during the day and wait tables at night in the Houston area before the coronaviru­s. But the mother of three lost both jobs in March because of the pandemic and now is facing eviction.

The Honduran immigrant got help from a local church to pay part of July’s rent but was still hundreds of dollars short and is now awaiting a three-day notice to vacate the apartment where she lives with her children. She has no idea how she will meet her August rent.

“Right now, I have nothing,” said Yanez, who briefly got her bar job back when the establishm­ent reopened, but lost it again when she and her 4-year-old daughter contracted the virus in June and had to quarantine. The apartment owners “don’t care if you’re sick, if you’re not well. Nobody cares here. They told me that I had to have the money.”

Yanez, who lives in the U.S. illegally, is among about 23 million people nationwide at risk of being evicted, according to the Aspen Institute, as moratorium­s enacted because of the coronaviru­s outbreak expire and courts reopen. About 30 state moratorium­s have expired since May, according to the Eviction Lab at Princeton University. On top of that, some tenants were already encounteri­ng illegal evictions even with the moratorium­s.

Now, tenants are crowding courtrooms — or appearing virtually — to detail how the pandemic has upended their lives. Some are low-income families who have endured evictions before, but there are also plenty of wealthier families facing homelessne­ss for the first time — and now being forced to navigate overcrowde­d and sometimes dangerous shelter systems amid the pandemic.

Experts predict the problem will only worsen in the coming weeks, with 30 million unemployed and uncertaint­y whether Congress will extend the extra $600 in weekly unemployme­nt benefits that expired July 31. The eviction moratorium that protects more than 12 million renters living in federally subsidized apartments or units with federally backed mortgages expired July 25. If it’s not extended, landlords can initiate eviction proceeding­s in 30 days.

“It’s going to be a mess,” said Bill Faith, executive director of Coalition on Homelessne­ss and Housing in Ohio, referring to the Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey, which found last week that more than 23% of Ohioans questioned said they weren’t able to make last month’s rent or mortgage payment or had little or no confidence they could pay next month’s.

Nationally, the figure was 26.5% among adults 18 years or older, with numbers in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nevada, Alabama, Florida, Mississipp­i, New York, Tennessee and Texas reaching 30% or higher. The margins of error in the survey vary by state.

“I’ve never seen this many people poised to lose their housing in a such a short period of time,” Faith said. “This is a huge disaster that is beginning to unfold.”

Housing advocates fear parts of the country could soon look like Milwaukee, which saw a 21% spike in eviction filings in June, to nearly 1,500 after the moratorium was lifted in May. It’s more than 24% across the state.

“We are sort of a harbinger of what is to come in other places,” said Colleen Foley, the executive director of the Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee.

“We are getting calls to us from ZIP codes that we don’t typically serve, the part of the community that aren’t used to coming to us,” she added. “It’s a reflection of the massive job loss and a lot of people facing eviction who aren’t used to not paying their rent.”

In New Orleans, a legal aid organizati­on saw its eviction-related caseload almost triple in the month since Louisiana’s moratorium ended in mid-June. Among those seeking help is Natasha Blunt, who could be evicted from her two-bedroom apartment where she lives with her two grandchild­ren.

Blunt, a 50-year-old African American, owes thousands of dollars in back rent after she lost her banquet porter job. She has yet to receive her stimulus check and has not been approved for unemployme­nt benefits. Her family is getting by with food stamps and the charity of neighbors.

“I can’t believe this happened to me because I work hard,” said Blunt, whose eviction is at the mercy of the federal moratorium. “I don’t have any money coming in. I don’t have nothing. I don’t know what to do .... My heart is so heavy.”

Along with exacerbati­ng a housing crisis in many cities that have long been beset by a shortage of affordable options, widespread discrimina­tion and a lack of resources for families in need, the spike in filings is raising concerns that housing courts could spread the coronaviru­s.

Many cities are still running hearings virtually. But others, like New Orleans, have opened their housing courts. Masks and temperatur­e checks are required, but maintainin­g social distance has been a challenge.

“The first couple of weeks, we were in at least two courts where we felt really quite unsafe,” said Hannah Adams, a staff attorney with Southeast Louisiana Legal Services.

In Columbus, Ohio, Amanda Wood was among about 60 people on the docket Friday for eviction hearings at a convention center converted into a courtroom.

Wood, 23, lost her job at a claims management company in early April. The following day, the mother of a 6month-old found out she was pregnant again. Now, she is two months behind on rent and can’t figure out a way to make ends meet.

She managed to find a part-time job at FedEx, loading vans at night. But her pregnancy and inability to find stable child care have left her with inconsiste­nt paychecks.

“The whole process has been really difficult and scary,” said Wood, who is hoping to set up a payment schedule after meeting with a lawyer Friday. “Not knowing if you’re going to have somewhere to live, when you’re pregnant and have a baby, is hard.”

Though the numbers of eviction filings in Ohio and elsewhere are rising and, in some places reaching several hundred a week, they are still below those in past years for July. Higher numbers are expected in August and September. Experts credit the slower pace to the federal eviction moratorium as well as states and municipali­ties that used tens of millions of dollars in federal stimulus funding for rental assistance. It also helped that several states, including Massachuse­tts and Arizona, have extended their eviction moratorium into the fall.

Still, experts argue more needs to be done at the state and federal levels for tenants and landlords.

Negotiatio­ns between Congress and the White House over further assistance are ongoing. A $3-trillion coronaviru­s relief bill passed in May by Democrats in the House would provide about $175 billion to pay rents and mortgages, but the $1-trillion counter from Senate Republican­s only has several billion in rental assistance. Advocacy groups are looking for more than $100 billion.

“An eviction moratorium without rental assistance is still a recipe for disaster,” said Graham Bowman, staff attorney with the Ohio Poverty Law Center.

“The scale of this problem is enormous so it needs a federal response.”

 ?? Dorthy Ray Associated Press ?? NATASHA BLUNT is at risk after Louisiana’s moratorium on evictions ended in mid-June. “I don’t have any money coming in .... I don’t know what to do,” she said.
Dorthy Ray Associated Press NATASHA BLUNT is at risk after Louisiana’s moratorium on evictions ended in mid-June. “I don’t have any money coming in .... I don’t know what to do,” she said.

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