Los Angeles Times

The right names in San Francisco


Re “One- third of San Francisco schools listed for renaming,” Nov. 30

I’d like to remind the San Francisco public school system’s committee tasked with f lagging campuses that should be renamed of the profound observatio­n of 1960s countercul­ture icon Wavy Gravy.

These words have helped me keep a healthy perspectiv­e of myself as well as to deal with anger or disappoint­ment toward others: “We’re all bozos on the bus.”

Yes, indeed we are. We’re all a mash- up of excellence, mediocrity and stupidity. Some we have deemed sublime, but as they are human, they must also be f lawed.

Every pedestal has its pigeon. Accept that, and life is less traumatic.

MARIANNE HUNTER Rancho Palos Verdes

Before we start changing the names of schools and other public buildings, we would be wise to remember the words of Jesus Christ: “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.”

All of us have committed acts that we wish we had not. We either realize this immediatel­y, or history will remind our descendant­s of our deeds.

The only alternativ­e would be to name every edifice after God. Let’s see how that goes over with the American Civil Liberties Union.


We are a nation of immigrants trying to correct the fictional history we have written. We are changing the names of schools and sending statues to museum basements.

So much needs to be done to correct the poverty brought upon the Indigenous peoples and the Africans imported to these shores. How will it be possible to breach the chasm that fear and hate have created?

Recently, “60 Minutes” aired a program about the last known American slave ship. A descendant of the schooner Clotilda’s captain apologized for the actions of his ancestor, an action that was met with warm acceptance by the slaves’ descendant­s.

This meeting, conducted without guilt but only heartfelt sadness, can be an example for us. We must acknowledg­e the history of abhorrent abusive acts in the name of profit. We must be sincerely humbled.


Signal Hill

If the puritanica­l members of the San Francisco renaming committee cannot find anyone sinless enough to name a school after, perhaps they should name them as New York City has: PS 195, PS 196 and so forth.


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