Los Angeles Times

A strategy of endless war


Re “As U. S. exits Afghanista­n, Taliban regains strength,” Dec. 7

Staying one more day in Afghanista­n is not worth any more deaths or injuries to members of the armed forces or their families.

We need to accept the facts about Afghanista­n. No one has ever controlled the whole country. When we had more than 100,000 troops there we might have controlled the cities, but not the countrysid­e.

We have been training Afghanista­n’s security forces for more than 17 years. I guess we must be poor teachers, because I was very good at my job in the military after just one year of training and another year on the job.

So, it really doesn’t make a difference whether we leave tomorrow or in 2030, because Afghanista­n will end up in a civil war.

Pushing through a complete U. S. military departure from Afghanista­n in the next two months is not precipitou­s. After nearly 20 years of war, it is long overdue. While other nations have spent the bulk of their treasure on their people, Americans have invested in a state dedicated above all to preparing for and waging war.

The only thing President- elect Joe Biden needs to know about Afghanista­n is that the way to honor all those killed in this endless war is to stop the bleeding and bring our troops home now.

Jeff Merrick Long Beach The writer is a board member for Military Families Speak Out.

Why is the U. S. withdrawin­g troops from Afghanista­n at this crucial time? It is not for strategic reasons, as no American general approves of this move.

No, it is done on a sick, vengeful whim of the president, who is doing all he can to make it difficult for Biden even though this endangers U. S. and even global security. Rico Gardiner

San Diego

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