Los Angeles Times

Algerian president not seen for weeks after COVID treatment

On first anniversar­y of election, mystery continues to grow.


ALGIERS — Algerian President Abdelmadji­d Tebboune marked a year in office Saturday, but he is nowhere in sight since his evacuation to Germany more than six weeks ago for COVID- 19 treatment.

The president’s office issued a statement Nov. 30 saying Tebboune had left a “specialize­d” medical facility, was continuing his convalesce­nce and should be returning home “in the coming days.”

The statement compounded the growing mystery surroundin­g the 75year- old Tebboune, his whereabout­s and his health. The name of the clinic where he was treated was never made public.

The absence of the head of state, who also serves as defense chief, recalled the long absences of his predecesso­r, Abdelaziz Boutef lika, in 2013 for treatment in France for a stroke and later in Switzerlan­d for numerous medical checkups, with lots of speculatio­n and little informatio­n on his whereabout­s or health.

Bouteflika rarely appeared in public but kept ruling. He was forced to abandon his bid for a f ifth term last year before being pushed from office under pressure from street protests and the powerful army.

Tebboune left for Germany on Oct. 28.

“I sincerely expected him to give us a surprise by returning home today for the f irst anniversar­y of his election. It’s the ideal timing,” Hassiba Aoudia, a retired French teacher, said Friday evening. She had been a member of Tebboune’s group of supporters when he was a candidate.

Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad has been in charge during Tebboune’s absence, conspicuou­s as the country struggles with an economy made worse by the coronaviru­s and a host of other issues.

Constituti­onal law professor Fatiha Benabou said there is no limit to the time Tebboune can be away.

“Authoritie­s have a large margin of maneuver,” she said. “But on a political level, the absence of the president, who embodies the essential powers, is obviously a problem.”

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