Los Angeles Times

Universal mail balloting is worth keeping

COVID- 19 forced California to make the switch. Let’s not go back.


Though it may be hard to imagine now, sometime in the not distant future, the emergency measures adopted this year to control the spread of COVID- 19 will no longer be necessary. But California would benefit by keeping at least one of them in place for good: mailing a ballot to every active registered voter in the state.

When it became clear this spring that the pandemic was not likely to end before the Nov. 3 election, lawmakers acted to ensure that all active registered voters in California could participat­e without risking infection. Counties were directed to mail ballots to all voters, whether they requested one or not, and were allowed to start processing ballots extra early. The state also extended the grace period for mailed- in ballots to 17 days.

It was a wise move that paid off. By all measures, the state’s election was held successful­ly, despite all the wild- eyed stories and false tales of mail ballot fraud spread by the president and his loyalists. ( The only potential large- scale voting fraud in California was perpetrate­d by the California Republican Party, which set up dozens of phony ballot drop boxes in violation of state law. )

Nearly 18 million California­ns voted in this election, more than ever before. So many California­ns voted early — motivated, perhaps, by the stories about possible mail delivery delays — that election day was relatively calm, with only a few long lines reported. This is how every election should go, pandemic or not. Why backtrack now?

That’s what Marc Berman ( D- Menlo Park), chairman of the Assembly Elections Committee, thinks too. He’s proposed to require counties to send mail ballots to all active registered voters ( some already do) and to offer tracking services so voters can make sure their ballots are received. This wouldn’t end in- person voting for those who need assistance or enjoy casting their ballot in the company of others, but it would let voters easily choose how and where they vote.

Berman’s legislatio­n would only hasten a trend well underway in California. In the last four statewide general elections, most voters used mail ballots. Even without the emergency legislatio­n this year, about 75% of the state’s voters would have been mailed a ballot, and about 90% of registered voters would be receiving a mail ballot in future elections, according to the Secretary of State’s office.

It just makes sense to standardiz­e this clearly popular voting choice. It’s where California has been headed since the Legislatur­e passed the Voter’s Choice Act in 2016 and allowed counties to ditch the traditiona­l model of in- person voting on election day at many small precincts in favor of centralize­d vote centers where ballots could be dropped off or cast in person well in advance. Fifteen counties, Los Angeles County among them, have adopted those provisions.

But with universal mail ballots, we’ll need ballot drop boxes, and the Voter’s Choice Act doesn’t require counties to deploy them. In Los Angeles County, drop boxes were wildly popular — more than half of the 3.4 million mail ballots cast in the Nov. 3 election were collected that way.

Another election problem that lawmakers should fix: This year’s emergency arrangemen­t notwithsta­nding, California law provides a grace period of only three days for ballots to arrive after the election ( they must be postmarked by election day to be counted). That seems too short, given that it takes the Postal Service up to a week to deliver first- class mail.

And for heaven’s sake, lawmakers ought to revise the 2016 law that allows unlimited third- party collection of ballots, or “ballot harvesting.” Previously, only a member of the family or household could deliver a ballot on behalf of a registered voter. We were worried about the potential for misuse even before it was used to justify the GOP’s fake drop boxes. We have no doubt that in future elections, there will be other creative uses of this law that undermine trust in democracy.

One more needed reform: Congress should use its authority over the “times, places and manner” of federal elections to standardiz­e procedures for collecting and processing mail ballots. Ideally, those standards would look like those in California, where officials have gone out of their way to make voting easier and smoother — and are still looking for ways to do it better.

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