Los Angeles Times

An apology in scandal but no charges for Japan’s Abe


TOKYO — Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe apologized Thursday after prosecutor­s declined to indict him for alleged illegal payments his office made involving dinner receptions for his supporters during Japan’s popular cherry blossom season.

When Abe resigned in September, he cited ill health, but critics have suggested the scandal might have been a reason. His successor, Yoshihide Suga, scrapped the annual cherry blossom viewing party the day he took office.

The Tokyo District public prosecutor­s office cited lack of evidence in deciding not to press charges. But it indicted a longtime aide who allegedly failed to report fees and payments for the receptions from 2016 to 2019.

Abe has denied wrongdoing and said Thursday that he had no knowledge about the illegal payments until the report about the investigat­ion surfaced last month. “Even though the accounting was done without my knowledge, I am keenly aware of my moral responsibi­lity,” Abe told a packed news conference. “I would like to deeply and sincerely apologize to the people.”

Abe, who remains a lawmaker in Japan’s ruling party, is set to speak in a parliament­ary session Friday to correct remarks he made about the viewing party expenses. Opposition lawmakers say Abe gave false statements at least 118 times.

Suga, who was the chief Cabinet secretary in Abe’s government, said he takes seriously that the explanatio­n Abe repeatedly provided turned out to be untrue. Suga apologized for giving a false explanatio­n to parliament based on informatio­n from Abe and his office.

The scandal started after opposition lawmakers raised questions about a 2018 dinner for which guests paid about $ 48. They said the amount was low for a party at an upscale Tokyo hotel and alleged Abe’s office covered the difference.

Prosecutor­s investigat­ed whether Abe, his aide and two executives from his political support group had subsidized the party fees in violation of campaign and election fund laws that prohibit politician­s from giving gifts to constituen­ts.

The indictment alleged the aide, Hiroyuki Haikawa, 61, failed to report that about $ 112,000 in admission fees was collected from party guests and an $ 180,000 payment was made to the hotel. Abe said Haikawa has resigned as his aide.

Haikawa hasn’t spoken publicly.

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