Los Angeles Times

In thy name we spray …


Re “Christian singer draws 2,500 despite COVID risk,” Jan. 2

I am no Bible expert, but I am sure the holy scriptures do not advocate putting your fellow human in harm’s way, which is what evangelist­s Sean Feucht and Kirk Cameron are doing so with their concerts and maskless rallies.

These two Christian men would serve their communitie­s better by following public health guidelines and staying home, wearing a mask when in public and staying socially distant from others during the COVID- 19 pandemic. This is my area of expertise, as I am a public health nurse and nurse practition­er.

I know Americans who want to protect themselves, their families and their neighbors are following public health guidelines and not the actions of Feucht and Cameron. I bet Jesus would support them. Kristin Ippolito


I am a very afraid registered nurse in Los Angeles.

Hospitals are inundated with COVID- 19 patients. Some, including young, otherwise healthy people, deteriorat­e quickly. Hospitals are running out of beds, staff, lifesaving equipment and space to put bodies. If you are sick with something other than COVID- 19, you risk not receiving the care you need.

Fatigue has set in. Everyone is tired of staying home, businesses are failing, and some people are holding gatherings. Still, no one is more fatigued or concerned for our own health than healthcare workers. We are not readily replaceabl­e.

Your rights as a citizen come with obligation­s, including following public health guidelines for the greater good of society. Randy Sanoff

Valley Village

People who intentiona­lly ignore public health orders by attending events such as the ones held by Feucht and Cameron should be forced to sign legal waivers denying them medical care in the event of COVID- 19 exposure.

Hospitals are presently overwhelme­d treating innocent pandemic victims. Valuable resources shouldn’t be wasted on those who foolishly disregard science and common sense.

In addition, those same people should be held financiall­y responsibl­e for the treatment of people who become infected because of their selfish and irresponsi­ble behavior. Armando Cepeda

Yorba Linda

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