Los Angeles Times

How Trumpian rot infects others

- JONAH GOLDBERG @JonahDispa­tch

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” — Lord Acton The remarkable thing about this last, grotesque chapter of Donald Trump’s presidency is how much he has proved Acton both wrong and right.

Few axioms are more popular among earnest pundits and politician­s than Lord Acton’s line about power, even though the point of the letter in which the quote appeared focused on the institutio­ns and people who protect the wielders of power. He decried those who exempted the powerful from the rules that bind the rest of us. “There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it,” Acton wrote.

In one sense Trump proved Acton wrong. Power didn’t corrupt Trump. It merely gave his corruption room to run, like handing an inveterate drunk driver a bottle of Jack Daniel’s and a monster truck to play with.

The phone call to the president of Ukraine that got him impeached was simply Trump being Trump — only on a global scale instead of in the more fetid backwaters of real estate, entertainm­ent and general hucksteris­m where he made his name. And the sore loser — already the greatest sore loser in American history — who called Georgia election officials on Saturday is the same man we saw descend the escalator five years ago.

“I do whine,” Trump said on CNN in August 2015, “because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win.” His postelecti­on whining spree is a testament to his consistenc­y.

So while power didn’t corrupt Trump, Trump has vindicated Acton’s larger point about how power invites corruption in others. Corruption means more than bribery and self- aggrandize­ment; it means rot, decay, the erosion of standards and principles and their replacemen­t with baser motives.

And in this sense, Trump’s corruption has been infectious. Conservati­ves who once prided themselves on old- fashioned notions of good character now think whining and deceit are manly while graciousne­ss and honesty are for “cucks.”

Worse, conservati­ves, who not long ago all but defined conservati­sm as fidelity to the Constituti­on, now think constituti­onalism is whatever allows a losing president to steal an election.

I’ve no doubt some fraction of the politician­s supporting Trump actually believe the lies and conspiracy theories he has peddled. Some probably even think their constituti­onal schemes are legitimate: Of course, the Founding Fathers intended for the vice president to be able to unilateral­ly void the election results and install the loser!

But sincere belief in transparen­t lies is even more a symptom of the Trumpian rot. Five years ago, no one who knew, say, Sens. Ron Johnson, Josh Hawley or even Ted Cruz would believe they’d go along with such assaults on the Constituti­on, democracy or common sense. Such is the extent of the corruption, it is somehow more reassuring to think they’re simply lying. Lies are a concession that the truth matters.

But truth is no longer defined by the factual. Trump has set the truth free to mean whatever delivers a win.

This rot extends far outside Washington. How could it not, for the politician­s are merely responding to market incentives, the way weather vanes respond to the wind ( even if they helped manufactur­e the very gales they are responding too)? The consumers — i. e. the voters, viewers, donors and subscriber­s — want the lies.

A whole industry has grown up around the idea that what is good for Trump — or simply what Trump thinks is good for him — is the premise and conclusion of every argument. From pastors and “constituti­onal scholars” to journalist­s and conservati­ve activists, all the conservati­ve yardsticks — of good character, decency, statesmans­hip, constituti­onalism — have been shaved down and bent to fit the crooked timber of the man.

These are the people Trump surrounds himself with. Some were already corrupt, which is why they fluttered, moth- like to his f lame in the first place. But others were not always this way. The American right is now littered with Actonian cautionary tales, people trading their reputation­s for one last bit of relevance.

No wonder Trump’s consternat­ion with the uncorrupte­d Georgia officials who would not ratify his lies. He pleaded for investigat­ors who “want to find” the evidence he needs, because for Trump and his apologists the truth is defined by his wants and needs. He won’t stop whining until he gets what he wants, which means he’ll be whining for the rest of his life, and some will call it leadership.

 ?? White House ?? UNDER DONALD TRUMP’S sway, conservati­ves, who not long ago defined conservati­sm as f idelity to the Constituti­on, now think constituti­onalism is whatever allows a losing president to steal an election. Some now view whining and deceit as manly.
White House UNDER DONALD TRUMP’S sway, conservati­ves, who not long ago defined conservati­sm as f idelity to the Constituti­on, now think constituti­onalism is whatever allows a losing president to steal an election. Some now view whining and deceit as manly.

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