Los Angeles Times

Funny, dark sides of family

- By Carlos Aguilar

The plight of many children of immigrants, to measure up to parental expectatio­ns of traditiona­l excellence or stray from them to carve out their own fulfillmen­t, takes cheeky shape in “Donkeyhead,” a dramedy from first-time writer-director and star Agam Darshi.

Turned begrudging­ly dutiful caretaker after her Sikh father’s cancer diagnosis, Mona (Darshi), an unpublishe­d writer and daughter of Indian parents in Canada, has been in a profession­al and emotional rut for years. But after the patriarch suffers a stroke, her three career-driven siblings arrive from all over North America to make end-of-life arrangemen­ts.

Slowly, the individual aches of each of the adult children are laid out, often in a comedic tone. The target of judgment for underachie­ving, Mona constantly lashes out as she wrestles with the childhood abuse that still haunts her. The dramatic stakes have heft but Darshi undercuts it with too many half-baked subplots.

Mona is closest with twin brother Parm (Stephen Lobo), a model son with a major secret; thus their bond occupies a central place in coming to terms with who their father was. A terrifical­ly written scene at a bar where Mona riles up patrons to belt out “O Canada” with drunken patriotism stands as both hilarious and telling of the identity limbo the twins inhabit.

Proficient­ly realized despite an overrelian­ce on dissolves and fade-to-black transition­s in its cinematic grammar, the film’s most notable setting is the home that houses the family’s memories and acts as contested battlegrou­nd. Downstairs, relatives pray, while upstairs the nuclear family unravels as they try to find a way to move forward.

Darshi’s fantastic turn as Mona is reminiscen­t of Anne Hathaway’s role in “Rachel Getting Married”: a train wreck of a person hiding sorrow with charm and grasping at everything she can to halt her downward spiral before an irrevocabl­e crash. With a wounded ferocity, she transmits the sincere ambivalenc­e of the character’s feelings.

Caught between confrontat­ion and compassion, the familiar but still heartrendi­ng “Donkeyhead” acknowledg­es that the hurt others inflict on us, though never excused, may indeed derive from their own unexpresse­d and unresolved trauma. The adage applies not only to the distressed protagonis­t but to all the parties involved here.

 ?? Array Releasing ?? AGAM DARSHI stars in the film she wrote and directed, “Donkeyhead.”
Array Releasing AGAM DARSHI stars in the film she wrote and directed, “Donkeyhead.”

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