Los Angeles Times

The green hydrogen hype


Re: “L.A. needs clean energy. Is hydrogen the answer?” March 27

Kudos to Sammy Roth, as usual, for a great article on hydrogen, but let’s stop talking about hydrogen as a fuel. We don’t have much free hydrogen on Earth — it is created by splitting water, which takes energy. So it would be better to talk about hydrogen as a storage medium — think a battery.

Words matter. As fossil fuel interests try to survive, referring to hydrogen as a fuel makes it seem like we have a source of clean energy readily available. Thinking of it as a battery focuses us rightly on where the original power comes from. So remember: On Earth, hydrogen is a battery, not a fuel.

David Lappen

Santa Monica

Roth’s article on hydrogen makes good arguments but misses the point. Skepticism around gas companies’ motives for embracing hydrogen is understand­able, but we should recognize that these companies operate infrastruc­ture vital to decarboniz­ation.

“Green” hydrogen is the best solution for many tough carbon problems. Scaling this new energy resource requires collaborat­ion with the gas sector. Vilifying it will only slow the transition.

Blending green hydrogen into gas is not the end game, but it is a necessary step in scaling green hydrogen to replace gas completely. Green hydrogen is one of the few viable tools to decarboniz­e infrastruc­ture industries and can even help decarboniz­e our grid.

Additional­ly, heating in cold seasons cannot be served by renewable electricit­y. Renewable hydrogen is a vital decarboniz­ation tool.

The gas industry is best positioned to transmit, store and distribute it. They can and should be a part of the solution if we want to move quickly.

Raffi Garabedian

San Carlos

The writer is CEO of Electric Hydrogen and former CTO of First Solar.

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