Los Angeles Times

Make teaching more attractive


Re “Inside rural California’s alarming teacher shortage,” Aug. 6

Rural California certainly has its unique problems attracting teachers, as your article on public schools in Alturas, a small town in the state’s far northeast, clearly stated. But the entire state is in desperate need.

As an educator with more than 30 years of experience, I have a few ideas on how to attract more young people to the profession:

8 Remove the graduate year requiremen­t for a teaching credential. Make it an undergradu­ate program where a bachelor’s degree would suffice. Currently, college students must take at least a year of graduate school to obtain a credential. Let’s eliminate that and weave student teaching into an undergradu­ate program.

8 Restore discipline and authority back into the classroom. The discipline pendulum has swung too far in one direction, where unruly students are sent right back to class with no consequenc­es given. There is little recourse for a teacher.

8 Increase teacher pay. Why would college students choose teaching when they can work in other fields and earn substantia­lly more?

These ideas are in no particular order, but all three would help recruit college students into the profession.

Ray Herrera Rancho Cucamonga

My great-great-grandfathe­r homesteade­d in Modoc County (Fort Bidwell, more precisely — current population 180) in 1863. There is great beauty there, and though I have wonderful memories of summer visits to the family ranch as a child, I also know how isolated the area can feel.

It’s unfortunat­ely not surprising that hiring and keeping teachers in the area’s public schools is an ongoing issue.

As a former teacher, I applaud the Modoc Joint Unified School District for doing the right thing for students by scrapping transition­al kindergart­en even though this violates state law. The one-size-fits all policy does no service to children in districts like Modoc Joint Unified, and I hope the state will consider adjustment­s to the universal transition­al kindergart­en requiremen­t. Robbie Davis


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