Los Angeles Times

Abortion rights advocates split over ‘viability’ issue

Some activists worry that failing to include such limits will sink state ballot measures.

- By Christine Fernando and Summer Ballentine Fernando and Ballantine write for the Associated Press and reported from Chicago and Jefferson City, respective­ly.

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Reproducti­ve rights activists in Missouri agree they want to get a ballot measure before voters in the fall to roll back one of the strictest abortion bans in the country and ensure access. The sticking point is how far they should go.

The groups have been at odds over whether to include a provision that would allow the state to regulate abortions after the fetus is viable, a concession supporters of the language say will be needed to persuade voters in the conservati­ve state.

It’s a divide that’s not limited to Missouri.

Advocates say the disagreeme­nts there and in other states where activists are planning abortionri­ghts measures this year have resurfaced long-brewing ruptures among reproducti­ve rights advocates. The divisions are most acute in Republican-leaning or closely divided states, where some worry that failing to include limits related to viability will sink the measures.

The conflict has been especially sharp in Missouri, where dueling strategies have complicate­d efforts to push ahead with a ballot measure seeking to reinstate the right to abortion.

“The movement is grappling with its value system,” said Bonyen Lee-Gilmore, the Kansas City-based vice president of communicat­ions for the National Institute for Reproducti­ve Health, which opposes viability clauses.

Viability is generally used to refer to the phase, typically around 23 or 24 weeks into pregnancy, when a fetus would be able to survive outside the uterus. But medical experts say it creates an arbitrary dividing line and stigmatize­s abortions later in pregnancy, which are exceedingl­y rare and usually the result of serious complicati­ons, such as fetal anomalies, that put the life of the woman or fetus at risk.

Pamela Merritt, executive director of Medical Students for Choice, which opposes viability clauses, calls it “a social construct, an arbitrary line in the sand. It’s not a medical term, and we need to back away from perpetuati­ng these damaging terms that are a legacy of Roe that we don’t need to resurrect.”

The Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision establishe­d a constituti­onal right to abortion but also created a framework that allowed states to regulate abortions at certain points during pregnancy. Since the current court overturned it in 2022, “Roe is the floor, not the ceiling” became a rallying cry for activists who vowed to rebuild access, especially for marginaliz­ed communitie­s, Merritt said.

Yet measures proposed for this year’s ballot in Missouri, Florida and Arizona have been replicatin­g Roe’s viability framework, as did an Ohio constituti­onal amendment guaranteei­ng the right to abortion that passed last year.

Shortly after that election, a Black Ohio woman who miscarried in her bathroom was charged with abuse of a corpse. The viability clause was cited as justificat­ion for allowing the case to move forward, though a grand jury ultimately dismissed the case.

Merritt said the charges are part of a larger effort by antiaborti­on forces in Ohio to use the viability clause to limit the reach of the amendment.

In South Dakota, the local Planned Parenthood affiliate has pulled out of ballot measure efforts for a proposal that allows lawmakers to restrict abortion after the first trimester. In a statement, the group said the proposal fails to protect abortion rights.

In Oklahoma, viability has been central to conversati­ons about a potential ballot measure to repeal the state’s abortion ban, said Rebecca Tong, co-executive director of Trust Women, which provides abortion care. Tong said viability is “not something we want written into the Constituti­on in Oklahoma.”

But Lauren Brenzel, campaign director for Floridians Protecting Freedom, said viability has not been a major focus in conversati­ons around ballot measure language in a state that currently bans the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy. The campaign recently reached the necessary number of verified signatures to qualify an abortion rights measure for this year’s ballot that includes a viability clause.

“Viability is the framework that Florida had used until the legislator­s started passing abortion bans,” Brenzel said. “What we know is that voters understand this, and we see it as clear and concise language that matches with what the standard was in Florida for a long time.”

Viability language in Florida’s proposed measure has already opened the door to a legal challenge from the state’s Republican attorney general, who has asked the state high court to keep the measure off the ballot because of vagueness over the meaning of the term.

A few states, including California and Vermont, have enshrined abortion rights in their constituti­ons without viability limits. Proposed amendments in Maryland and New York also don’t mention viability.

Missouri has found itself in the center of the national debate over the issue as abortion rights groups have split over which of 11 versions of a measure to support for the ballot. The petitions have been tied up in court after being challenged by Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft.

Complicati­ng the effort is another initiative petition — one proposed by Jamie Corley, a Republican. It would allow abortions up to 12 weeks into pregnancy and include exceptions for rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother until viability.

Corley said those restrictio­ns are what’s feasible to pass in Missouri, which bans abortions except in medical emergencie­s.

Some reproducti­ve rights groups advocating for versions of a more permissive ballot measure with a viability clause raised concerns that antiaborti­on forces would attack proposals without one.

Sarah Standiford, national campaigns director of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said reproducti­ve rights groups must balance their desire for the most expansive access with proposals that can withstand legal challenges and qualify for the ballot.

 ?? Charlie Riedel Associated Press ?? DIVISIONS over fetus viability clauses in abortion rights measures are sharpest in GOP-leaning states.
Charlie Riedel Associated Press DIVISIONS over fetus viability clauses in abortion rights measures are sharpest in GOP-leaning states.

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