Los Angeles Times

A crisis of faith is human


Re “What comes after after losing one’s religion?” Opinion, March 24

Religions are humanmade institutio­ns, subject to the blind spots and failures that show up in secular ones. American evangelica­lism has a tendency toward rigid categories, so losing one’s religion might be the beginning of a more meaningful search for God.

To have faith is not the same thing as to have proof. Faith is a journey, and to keep it, one remains curious and grows more comfortabl­e with paradox and mystery. It seems to require a little humility along with critical thinking, oddly enough. Then, of course, there’s always love. And what about all those contacts Jesus made with diverse and marginal members of society?

Sounds pretty progressiv­e. If you have trouble believing, enlarge the temple — it was never intended to be American.

Lynn Aldrich


I went to Catholic school for 12 years. I graduated in 1962 and left Catholicis­m in 1965, and now at 80, I have never looked back or regretted it. It opened a whole amazing world of contentmen­t, philosophy, spirituali­ty, enlightenm­ent and well-being. Just let it go. Rachel Perumean


I really get tired of The Times’ uniformly left-leaning Opinion section that has almost nothing on the other side, including about religion.

Not all of us evangelica­ls are fans of Trump or rejectors of evolution. (I can’t stand Trump.) I don’t suppose The Times would consider an article about those who have benefited by becoming conservati­ve Christians? I would be amazed to see that.

John Wagner


To the letter writer who spoke of leaving the Catholic church at 15, I have to say that I had much the same experience.

There was always something just not right; my connection with the church was severed by a seemingly trivial matter, yet to a young person it was anything but. For years, we were not allowed to eat meat on Fridays — just how many Mrs. Paul’s fish sticks can one girl eat? Then suddenly, they had a meeting and it was OK. Really? That was it for me. What else were they making up?

I raised my two daughters without the drama of the church. I get blamed for them not being familiar with church customs and vernacular — a propitious tradeoff.

Cheryl Schwaebe Cardiff

I am saddened that others have rejected formal religion, never having a personal relationsh­ip with God. As I see it, the Bible lays the foundation for belief in God. When it is read and/or taught it can enlighten your mind and soul to the gifts that are available when you open your heart to receive them.

I can attest to the fact that when I asked God into my life I became filled with peace, love and a joy that cannot be explained. I know that I am not alone.

Linda Marshall

Los Angeles

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