Los Angeles Times

A dinner in a law dean’s back yard


Re “Law dean at UC Berkeley confronts protester,” April 12

UC Berkeley School of Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsk­y invited his third-year students to dinner at his home, a gesture of kindness and caring that isn’t typical in graduate schools.

The dean, known for his advocacy of free speech, was then “thanked” by a small contingent of pro-Palestinia­n law students, disrupting the party with their smuggled-in microphone and speaker. This had been preceded by the posting of antisemiti­c signs around the law school saying, “No dinner with Zionist Chem while Gaza starves.”

When Chemerinsk­y and his wife, UC Berkeley law professor Catherine Fisk, tried to get the protesting students to leave, they said that their free-speech rights were being ignored. However, the constituti­onal law class I was in clearly taught us that the free speech guaranteed by the 1st Amendment applied to acts of Congress, not to antisemiti­c disruption­s at a private home.

Chemerinsk­y’s and

Fisk’s offer to host students, their measured response in asking the protesters to leave their home and Chemerinsk­y’s well-written public response clearly show what mensches they are.

Ken Goldman Beverly Hills

Speaking as the mother of a recent UC Berkeley law student who graduated in the top 10% of her class, I want to express my shock and outrage at the behavior of Fisk, who physically confronted the student, an act that was thankfully caught on video.

There is never a reason for any teacher to put their hands on a student who is simply exercising their right to speak. In my opinion, as a “consumer” of Berkeley Law’s very expensive services, Fisk showed deplorably poor judgment, causing me to question the value of my investment in this university.

Grabbing a third-year graduating law student from behind to stop her speaking at a university­sponsored dinner event to honor graduating law students? Did this have to do with the fact that the hijabweari­ng female student was offering a blessing in Arabic? Would she have grabbed my blond, blueeyed daughter, had she offered a blessing in English?

The fact that this physical aggression toward a Muslim student occurred during the religious day of Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan, adds to the insult.

Eileen White Read Santa Barbara

Far be it for me to argue constituti­onal law with Chemerinsk­y, but he may be on shaky ground here when he says that the 1st Amendment does not apply to dinner at his home.

The event in question was clearly a law school activity (rather than a simple private dinner), organized by Chemerinsk­y in his capacity as law school dean (rather than as a private citizen), and funded by the university itself.

Rather than considerin­g calling in the police, perhaps a better strategy would have been to call in Larry David: The entire sorry spectacle, complete with rude behavior, shouting, and (especially) the struggle over the microphone would seem to have the makings of a new “Curb Your Enthusiasm” episode.

Mark Fisher Irvine

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