Loveland Reporter-Herald

Why are Republican­s trying to discourage Americans from voting?


The Voting Rights Act (VRA) was passed in 1965 because Southern states tried to keep African Americans from voting. This was one purpose of Jim Crow laws. We had freed the slaves but stopped short of actually treating them like other citizens. The VRA became necessar y because many states had passed literacy tests, poll taxes and voter ID laws that were applied only to Blacks. They were afraid those voters might upset the political balance Jim Crow had establishe­d.

Today, we see states returning to those same tactics. Like greatly reducing the number of polling places in minority areas, which led to long lines and forcing voters to travel greater distances to vote. Even making it a crime to provide water to voters waiting in long lines. Which naturally led many to use absentee ballots or mail in voting. Now Republican­s want to make those forms of voting more difficult.

Even though there is no evidence of voting problems with these. Colorado and other states have offered mail-in ballots for years — without incident! Voters sign their ballot, and it’s compared to signed voter registrati­on cards on file. Voters are told when the ballot is put into the mail and given contact info if theirs doesn’t arrive. Colorado even allows us to check online to ensure our votes are recorded properly. Finally, when we voted in person, I don’t recall ever having to produce an ID. You gave your name and it was checked off a list. There have been many claims of voter fraud over the years, but whenever it’s been investigat­ed virtually none has been found.

Remember too that when Saddam was ousted all it took to vote in Iraq was the lack of paint on your hand. Why are Republican­s tr ying to discourage Americans from voting?

Ken Bublitz Loveland

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